Beschreibung People as Merchandise: Crack the Code to LinkedIn Recruitment (English Edition). If you want to make significant improvements in your recruitment results and become a member of the top, world headhunters, follow this unorthodox LinkedIn recruitment guide. So-called 'social recruitment' is an inevitable trend in today's recruitment business, and LinkedIn is simply the main part of it. This book reveals many shortcuts and tricks everybody was afraid to unleash, including: - How to uncover any full LinkedIn profile view without upgrading to premium- How to override the limit of LinkedIn invitations- How to search through LinkedIn groups you cannot join - How to use search engines to scan LinkedIn for candidates- How to automate candidate sourcing- How to track the steps of your competition on LinkedIn No matter if you are a recruiter, headhunter, HR personnel, entrepreneur or startupreneur, this book will help you to: - Dramatically increase the efficiency of your recruitment activities- Skyrocket the volume of reachable candidates- Significantly cut costs of hiring new employees DO NOT READ THIS BOOK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BECOME A WORLD-CLASS HEADHUNTER!"People as Merchandise, with its no-nonsense pragmatic approach, is an indispensable tool for today's recruitment professionals and entrepreneurs."-- Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group, author, and investor on ABC's "Shark Tank""Josef's book excels where others fail. I highly recommend it to any HR and staffing professional."-- Horst Gallo, Director HR at IBM"People as Merchadise is not another vague guide, rather a piece of art among recruitment manuals. Definitely a no-brainer for all recruiters."-- Jeanne E. Branthover, Managing Director at Boyden and the World's Most Influential Headhunter by BusinessWeekLearn more
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