Beschreibung Career Fulfillment Found (English Edition). Career change is downright terrifying. If you are experiencing massive anxiety (more than usual anyway) over a change that you must make to your career, or you know deep down you should make to your career, then you have found the right book. Career Fulfillment Found was written for you. Percentage wise, very few people are happily employed. The majority of the workforce is either unemployed, underemployed or unhappily employed. Those are the facts. Corporations today are far less employee focused, the job market is nowhere near as good as the “improving” jobs numbers would suggest and “safe” jobs with good pay are almost extinct. The reason is that unfortunately, most people are looking for career fulfillment in the wrong place. They falsely believe that making changes to their external circumstances will solve all their problems. They believe if they just “get a job,” or “find a better job,” then they will be able to be happy, and feel successful. But they have the order wrong. No matter what your current career circumstances are, you have to start from within. The absolute best way to put yourself, and keep yourself on the path of a fulfilling and fruitful career is to cultivate an empowered mindset.By making a few simple and easy to comprehend changes to your understanding and outlook, you will see that, you have the best career change ideas, for you. You’ll also see that you already have all of the career change advice you need. The thought of career change does not have to leave you paralyzed with fear. The right mindset will allow you to overcome fear and create a wonderful, happy and successful career. Career Fulfillment Found will get you there.It has to start with you.
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