Beschreibung The Non-Technical Guide to Web Technologies (English Edition). "The Non-Technical Guide to Web Technologies presents material in a manner that's easy to understand and fun to read. It's a fantastic resource for people who, like me, are not professional developers but spend a lot of time working with technical people and on technical projects."Jared Cohen ( @jaredcohe )VP of OperationsKickstarter"The book is a great resource in a concise package. I found the programming languages section especially helpful in keeping up to date with modern web technologies. If you work with technical people, get this book! Forever is gone to using the terms, rubies on rails, the coffee language, or c-pound." Andy Chen ( @AChenKPCB ) Director of RecruitingKleiner Perkins Caufield And ByersDo you work in a non-technical role and want to understand and speak technical language? Would you be better at your job if you did?Whether you’re in recruiting, marketing, business development, or any other non-technical field, this book will teach you what you need to know to understand the basics and have conversations about the web technologies being used in your business.The book covers enough about web technologies to help your career with 60+ pages of text, diagrams and images.Content Includes:How a web page gets to your web browser.Common software development questions answered.HTML5, JSON, AJAX and cookies explained.The programming languages (Ruby?, Python?, Scala?) and databases used to create web applications.The different types of servers used. (Apache?, Nginx?)Common Security Attacks listed. (DDoS?) The different software engineering job titles in a internet companies.What Popular Web Applications Use: Etsy, Pinterest, Square, Instagram, Tumblr.
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