Beschreibung Creative You: Using Your Personality Type to Thrive (English Edition). No matter what your passion is—business, technology, science, or plumbing—this practical guide will enable you to unleash your innate creative skills based on your unique personality type and succeed in everything you do.Whether you can admit it to yourself or not, you are creative. In today’s complex world, creativity is the key to finding and living your passion. Whatever that passion is—cooking, technology, writing, or even plumbing—Creative You reveals your own personal style of creativity to help you build an environment of innovation at work and home. Discover your creative personality type with a simple quiz and detailed descriptions of the sixteen personality types. Plus, tools and techniques show you how to apply creativity to your everyday life. Drop excuses like I’m too old to start being creative and creativity is only for artists. Confidently use creativity to live your passion by using your natural style. Whether you are starting from scratch or enhancing an already developed skill, discover the creative you that you’ve been searching for.
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