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    Economic Origins of Roman Christianity (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Economic Origins of Roman Christianity (English Edition). In the global marketplace of ideas, few realms spark as much conflict as religion. For millions of people, it is an integral part of everyday life, reflected by a widely divergent supply of practices and philosophical perspectives. Yet, historically, the marketplace has not always been competitive. While the early Common Era saw competition between Christianity, Judaism, and the many pagan cults, Roman Christianity came eventually to dominate Western Europe. Using basic concepts of economic theory, Robert B. Ekelund Jr. and Robert D. Tollison explain the origin and subsequent spread of Roman Christianity, showing first how the standard concepts of risk, cost, and benefit can account for the demand for religion. Then, drawing on the economics of networking, entrepreneurship, and industrial organization, the book explains Christianity's rapid ascent. Like a business, the church developed sound business strategies that increased its market share to a near monopoly in the medieval period. This book offers a fascinating look at the dynamics of Christianity’s rise, as well as how aspects the church’s structure—developed over the first millennium—illuminate a number of critical problems faced by the church today.

    Buch Economic Origins of Roman Christianity (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Economic origins of Roman Christianity (Book, 2011 ~ Using basic concepts of economic theory, Robert B. Ekelund Jr. and Robert D. Tollison explain the origin and subsequent spread of Roman Christianity, showing first how the standard concepts of risk, cost, and benefit can account for the demand for religion. Then, drawing on the economics of networking, entrepreneurship, and industrial organization, the book explains Christianity\'s rapid .

    Economic Origins of Roman Christianity (English Edition ~ Using basic concepts of economic theory, Robert B. Ekelund Jr. and Robert D. Tollison explain the origin and subsequent spread of Roman Christianity, showing first how the standard concepts of risk, cost, and benefit can account for the demand for religion. Then, drawing on the economics of networking, entrepreneurship, and industrial organization, the book explains Christianity's rapid ascent. Like a business, the church developed sound business strategies that increased its market share to .

    Economic Origins of Roman Christianity: Ekelund Jr ~ “Economic Origins of Roman Christianity takes readers on a sweeping tour of a millennium, introducing us to Saint Paul as entrepreneur, the Nicaean Council as product strategy, and Charlemagne and Pope Leo III as masters of vertical integration. Using economic models, the authors narrate a history of religion that adds a new dimension to our typical view of the political, military, and theological origins of Christianity. There is much here for economists to ponder and enough .

    Economic origins of Roman Christianity (eBook, 2011 ~ Get this from a library! Economic origins of Roman Christianity. [Robert B Ekelund; Robert D Tollison] -- In the global marketplace of ideas, few realms spark as much conflict as religion. For millions of people, it is an integral part of everyday life, reflected by a widely divergent supply of practices .

    Economic Origins of Roman Christianity by Robert D ~ Economic Origins of Roman Christianity will have wide ramifications for economists, sociologists, and political scientists concerned with economic development, the roots of religious plurality, and institutional change.", "An engrossing and insightful account of the branding of early Christianity through entrepreneurship, networking, manipulation of civil governments, and the control of entry .

    Economic Origins of Roman Christianity, Ekelund Jr., Tollison ~ “Economic Origins of Roman Christianity takes readers on a sweeping tour of a millennium, introducing us to Saint Paul as entrepreneur, the Nicaean Council as product strategy, and Charlemagne and Pope Leo III as masters of vertical integration. Using economic models, the authors narrate a history of religion that adds a new dimension to our typical view of the political, military, and theological origins of Christianity. There is much here for economists to ponder and enough storytelling .

    Economic Origins of Roman Christianity by Robert B ~ Economic Origins of Roman Christianity book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. In the global marketplace of ideas, few realms spar.

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