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    Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner’s Guide (Open Source: Community Experience Distilled) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner’s Guide (Open Source: Community Experience Distilled) (English Edition). This book will provide you with step-by-step instructions to get started with Mahara and create an impressive electronic portfolio. The book is packed with many useful examples and screenshots for easy and quick learning. Pick up this book if you want to get started with Mahara. This book is for you if: You are an employee, student or other type of learner wanting to maintain online documentation of your projects and share it with a particular assessor/CPD Manager/teacher/trainer for feedback. You are a teacher or mentor wanting to set up an e-portfolio for your students or employees in order to encourage and advance personalized and reflective learning. You are a professional wanting to share your journals and project documents with your team by sharing your existing knowledge and creating new knowledge in communities of professional practice. You are a human resources professional who wants a software application which will enable your team to generate, capture and transfer tacit knowledge. No previous experience of Mahara is required

    Buch Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner’s Guide (Open Source: Community Experience Distilled) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner’s Guide (Open Source ~ The Packt Beginner's Guide books are just that, aimed at beginners and follow a philosophy of "Learn by doing: less theory, more results". So with that in mind, let's have a look at the book. This is the second edition of a book that was published over two years ago, bringing the content up to date and more relevant with the later Mahara versions.

    Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner s Guide (Open Source ~ Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner's Guide is a step-by-step guide to develop a feature-rich and highly personal electronic portfolio. Form a digital repository of reflective journals, action learning plans, presentations, reports, images and videos. Easily share this with your friends, family, tutors, students, project team and others using this step-by-step guide written in a clear and easy to .

    Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner s Guide (Open Source ~ Buy Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner s Guide (Open Source: Community Experience Distilled) 2nd ed. by Derrin Kent, Richard Hand, Thomas Bell (ISBN: 9781849517768) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide: Kent, Derrin ~ Mahara 1.3 RC1 has been released and the list of new features is promising. Does it mean that the book Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide is now outdated? I am pretty sure it is not. If you are just about to start with Mahara, either current stable version or the new one, you will find the book useful.

    Mahara ePortfolios Beginner's Guide/Paperback ~ Pick up this book if you want to get started with Mahara. This book is for you if:• You are an employee, student or other type of learner wanting to maintain online documentation of your projects and share it with a particular assessor/CPD Manager/teacher/trainer for feedback..

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