Beschreibung Jump Ship: Ditch Your Dead-End Job and Turn Your Passion into a Profession (English Edition). We've always been told "winners never quit," but TV personality and motivational speaker Josh Shipp knows it isn't true. Smart people quit the right things at the right time. But how do you know if you're in the wrong career? What is the right thing for you? And when's the best time to jump ship?Jump Ship is a step-by-step guide through one of life's most difficult—and most important—transitions. Leaving behind an unsatisfying job and embarking upon a new career can open up a world of fulfillment, but it isn't easy. As a role model and mentor to tens of thousands of young professionals, Shipp has seen the impact that a new career can have on a person's life. In Jump Ship, he offers you the time-tested tools to get there. This book will help you discover your truest priorities and provide you the resources you need to succeed, drawing inspiration from the countless people whose lives he has improved.Filled with powerful stories and practical guidance, this is a book designed to help you face down your fears—and take the plunge.
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Jump Ship: Ditch Your Dead-End Job and Turn Your Passion ~ Jump Ship: Ditch Your Dead-End Job and Turn Your Passion into a Profession - Kindle edition by Shipp, Josh. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Jump Ship: Ditch Your Dead-End Job and Turn Your Passion into a Profession.
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