Beschreibung The Economy of One- CODE for Free Agents (English Edition). Looking for work? Frustrated? Under-employed? Stuck in Transition?Most people will have 7 to 10 different jobs by the age of 38, according to a recent study by the Department of Labor.Welcome to the New Normal. Unprepared?CODE for Free Agents is designed to help you dramatically improve your value proposition to potential employers and clients.CODE was developed and pioneered over the past 10 years by Elizabeth Allen, a nationally recognized expert in entrepreneurship. Her award-winning work has been celebrated by a national peer network of companies as a 'business best-practice" and a "revolutionary sales methodology" and has now been adapted for individuals - those among the millions faced with the unique challenge of reestablishing themselves as viable Free Agents who create their own Economy of One.What will you learn?-A step-by-step process that will help you effectively identify and explore your options. Looking for full-time employment is just one of many paths available to you.-Strategic self-promotion, communication and networking skills. You will learn how to engage a straightforward methodology designed to take the guesswork out of the self-promotion "sales" process.-Recapture confidence. You will learn 8 critical sets of questions that are deigned to empower you.-Insight into the strategic mindset of those doing the hiring. Understand how employer priorities align with yours before you interview.-Re-connect to passion, proficiency, and profitability. We will help you identify options that are best suited for your natural abilities and interests.-Monitor progress. You will learn how to approach every networking event, job fair or interview with a focused plan.-Achieve transparency. Communicate to others your progress so that the question of "what's your plan?" And "what have you been up to?" is easy to address.-Go way beyond writing a resume and applying endlessly for every job you see, competing with thousands of others for a job that may not even exist. Instead, engage the market from a very different, targeted approach, utilizing your "personal brand" to get in front of decision-makers.-Find support. This program is designed to re-energize you and jump-start your efforts, helping you more effectively engage immediately.(This book is also available in paperback from Amazon and other retailers.)
The Economy of One: CODE for Free Agents: Allen, Elizabeth ~ A free agent for nearly 15 years, I nevertheless found The Economy of One very thought provoking. Elizabeth Allen describes a career model in which transitions from employee to contractor and perhaps back to somewhere in between are natural, seamless and opportunistic. Until now I have felt catapulted by circumstance from one type of employment to another and have interpreted this as flip .
CODE for Free Agents: The Economy of One (English Edition ~ The program is documented in her recent book, The Economy of One: CODE for Free Agents (2011). Elizabeth served as a facilitator for The Kauffman Foundation’s FastTrac program and as a mentor for the University of Kansas MBA Graduates Program. Her unique expertise and vast experience has been highlighted in InfoWorld, Entrepreneur Magazine, Concrete Monthly, and on a nationally broadcast PBS special. She has been featured in cover stories in the Johnson County (Kansas) Business Times and .
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