Beschreibung Dangerous Jobs: The Adventurer's Guide to High-Risk Careers (English Edition). The success of A&E’s hit series “Deadliest Catch” and Discovery Channel’s new reality show, “The World’s Toughest Jobs” prove that Americans are fascinated with danger and the people who make it their livelihood. Here readers will find all the harrying details on dozens of the riskiest jobs on earth. Ever thought about becoming a bounty hunter? Wondered how much bullfighters make? Considered training lions or jumping out of helicopters into forest fires for some extra cash? Did you know truck drivers have steered themselves into one of the most dangerous jobs in America? Dangerous Jobs offers an entertaining and informational guide to employment for the truly adventurous soul.
Abigail R. Gehring - ~ Dangerous Jobs: The Adventurer's Guide to High-Risk Careers (English Edition) . Dangerous Jobs offers an entertaining and informational guide to employment for the truly adventurous soul. Mehr lesen. Andere Formate: Taschenbuch inkl. MwSt. Jetzt mit 1-Click Âź kaufen Verkauft von Media EU S.Ă r.l. Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills (Back to Basics Guides) (English .
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20 of the Most Dangerous Jobs in the World ~ Fires and oil rig explosions top the list for job-related dangers. Shutterstock. 9. Snake Milker. Snake milking is one of the deadliest yet essential jobs that save many lives every year. While there are safety procedures in place, each milking process has a high-risk factor when fighting with such a fast and poisonous reptile. Most workers are .
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