Beschreibung Accounting Made Simple: Accounting Explained in 100 Pages or Less (English Edition). Find all of the following explained in Plain-English with no technical jargon:The Accounting Equation and why it's so significantHow to read and prepare financial statementsHow to calculate and interpret several different financial ratiosThe concepts and assumptions behind Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)Preparing journal entries with debits and creditsCash method vs. accrual methodInventory and Cost of Goods SoldHow to calculate depreciation and amortization expenses
Accounting Made Simple: Accounting Explained in 100 Pages ~ One example from page 2: "At its most fundamental level, accounting is the system of tracking the income, expenses, assets and debts of a business." Using these simple but not dumbed-down explanations, the reader quickly develops a good understanding of accounting as a whole. I feel I can now integrate more advanced concepts and methods into this general framework.
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Understanding the Basic Principles of Accounting - dummies ~ Accrual-based accounting, which is a term you’ve probably heard, is what you get when you apply the revenue principle, the expense principle, and the matching principle. In a nutshell, accrual-based accounting means that you record revenue when a sale is made and record expenses when goods are used or services are received. Cost principle . The cost principle states that amounts in your .
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What Is Accounting? - businessnewsdaily ~ Accounting is the language of small business. Without proper insight into your company's financial health, you're paralyzed as a small business.
Chart of Accounts - Example / Format / Structured Template ~ The chart of accounts is a list of every account in the general ledger of an accounting system. Unlike a trial balance that only lists accounts that are active or have balances at the end of the period, the chart lists all of the accounts in the system. It’s a simple list of account numbers and names.
Financial Accounting - Tutorialspoint ~ Accounting cycle refers to the specific tasks involved in completing an accounting process. The length of an accounting cycle can be monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually. It may vary from organization to organization but the process remains the same. The following chart shows the basic steps in an accounting cycle: Financial Accounting vii Accounting Process The following table lists .
What is Double-Entry Bookkeeping? - dummies ~ When it comes to double-entry bookkeeping, the key formula for the balance sheet (Assets = Liabilities + Equity) plays a major role. In order to adjust the balance of accounts in the bookkeeping world, you use a combination of debits and credits. You may think of a debit as a subtraction because you’ve found that debits usually mean a decrease in your bank balance.
Accounting 101: The Basics - AccountingVerse ~ This section offers free online tutorials of accounting basics. This course aims to build and solidify one's knowledge of the fundamentals which are vital in pursuing higher accounting studies, in building a career in accounting, or in managing a small business; a primer for beginners and a refresher for those who already have an accounting background.
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Financial Accounting Basics / Examples / Explanations / My ~ Accounting, at its heart, is actually a set of very simple concepts and principles. Once you understand the basics of accounting, you will be able to grasp just about any business or accounting concept. I see it only fitting that we start our accounting training at the beginning with the purpose of financial accounting.