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    Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth Edition (Schaum's Outlines) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth Edition (Schaum's Outlines) (English Edition). Confused by bookkeeping and accounting? Problem solved. Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal review and reference for your accounting class. Inside you'll find explanations of the subject's fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis, preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accounting for perpetual and periodic inventory system. It also includes a chapter on the most popular accounting software, which accounting students are expected to master before they graduate.

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    Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth ~ Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth Edition (Schaum's Outline Series) / Lerner, Joel, Gokarn, Rajul / ISBN: 8580001234991 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth ~ Confused by bookkeeping and accounting? Problem solved. Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal review and reference for your accounting class. Inside you'll find explanations of the subject's fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis, preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accounting for perpetual and periodic inventory system.

    Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth ~ Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal review and reference for your accounting class. Inside you'll find explanations of the subject's fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis, preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accounting for perpetual and periodic inventory system. It also includes a chapter on the most popular accounting software .

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    Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth Edition ~ Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth Edition, 4th Edition by Joel Lerner and Rajul Gokarn (9780071635363) Preview the textbook, purchase or get a FREE instructor-only desk copy.

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    Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting: Lerner ~ Master bookkeeping and accounting with Schaum's­­the high-performance study guide. It will help you cut study time, hone problem-solving skills, and achieve your personal best on exams! Students love Schaum's Outlines because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these indispensable study guides. Get the edge on .

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    Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting, Fourth ~ Schaum's Outline of Bookkeeping and Accounting is the ideal review and reference for your accounting class. Inside you'll find explanations of the subject's fundamentals and topics such as financial analysis, preparing cash flow statements, and the distinction between accounting for perpetual and periodic inventory system. It also includes a .

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