Beschreibung The Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand (English Edition). For anyone looking to simplify their bookkeeping, get ready for the clearest explanation ever of key accounting basics! Wheather you're a manager, business owner, or aspiring entrepreneur, you've likely found yourself needing to know basic financial accounting and become intimidated by the typical, complicated accounting books. You don't want to become accountant, you just want to get the finances for dummies! So, how does one manage an account balance? And how do you increase profits? The Accounting Game makes complex financial accounting as simple as running a lemonade stand! Dive into basic, simple accounting with: Accounting made understandable: Using the world of a child's lemonade stand to teach the basics of managing your finances, The Accounting Game makes a dry subject enjoyable and understandable. As you run your stand, you'll begin to understand and apply financial terms and concepts like assets, liabilities, earnings, inventory and notes payable. Master the basics with intuitive learning techniques: Unlike other accounting books and technical textbooks, The Accounting Game uses the accelerated learning method. You'll use your senses, emotions, and critical thinking skills to lean new tasks quickly without feeling like you're in a boring classroom. In addition, the story format helps you retain key concepts. The revolutionary teaching technique in this book was developed by Educational Discoveries, Inc., the method that has helped more than 100,000 happy graduates across the country. The Accounting Game brings that successful method to everyone who wants to feel confident in their financial skills. In this book, you will find: Easy-to-grasp explanations of essential terms Quizzes and worksheets to keep track of your progress Step-by-step processes for managing your business.The Accounting Game is a fun addition to your reference collection if you loved Accounting for Dummies 2018.
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The 10 Best Books on Accounting Fundamentals / Accounting ~ Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand (Sourcebooks, 1 November 1998) In a world where even non-financial jobs require familiarity with certain financial concepts, Accounting Game by Darrell Mullis and Judith Orloff is a must read, especially for small business owners. Using the sustained example of a lemonade stand, Mullis and Orloff explain the basics of finances .
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