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    The Medical Job Interview: Secrets for Success (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Medical Job Interview: Secrets for Success (English Edition). This book has been written specifically for busy junior doctors looking for that ‘competitive edge’. The medical interview is quite different from any other interview, but this book will help you prepare well in advance to optimize your chance of success. In this new edition, there are more details on how best to present your CV, different interview strategies to adopt, real-life example questions with answers good and bad, and information on what happens behind the scenes. This book provides all you need to know to be a winner in a medical interview. Read this book and nail that job! The Medical Job Interview Explains how to prepare the best curriculum vitae Tells you what you should do to get short listed Shows you how to find out who will be on the interview panel, and how you can anticipate their questions Gives tips on appropriate behaviour in an interview Advises you on negotiating salary and terms Reviews of first edition: “...I would whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone who is applying for a hospital position ... I found it a real help during my preparation for applying for house jobs...” Cambridge Medicine “An excellent guide to the process of applying and getting hospital posts in the UK system...This book is a must for final year students, house officers and senior house officers who are looking for hospital posts and would not go amiss for those contemplating more senior appointments.” Senior House Officer in Medicine, Newcastle upon Tyne

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