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    Interviewing Techniques for Managers (Briefcase Books (Paperback)) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Interviewing Techniques for Managers (Briefcase Books (Paperback)) (English Edition). Interview Strategies for Always Getting the Information You Need For managers, interviewing is about gathering useful information in every face-to-face encounter, from project planning meetings to client discussions to speaking with prospective employees. Interviewing Techniques for Managers shows you how to master every aspect of the interview process to ensure that you always get honest, helpful, and results-oriented answers. Look to this important addition to McGraw-Hill's Briefcase Books series for workplace-tested interviewing methods including: When and how to ask the key questions Tips for getting a difficult interview back on track Techniques for telephone, e-mail, and other arms-length interviews Separating fact from fiction when interviewing potential employees ... Solving workplace problems ... Uncovering how best to meet customer needs ... The ability to interview others is among the most valuable skills a manager can have. Interviewing Techniques for Managers will help you end each interview with the information you need, by beginning each interview with a solid, results-oriented plan--and the know-how to execute that plan. Briefcase Books, written specifically for today's busy manager, feature eye-catching icons, checklists, and sidebars to guide managers step-by-step through everyday workplace situations. Look for these innovative design features to help you navigate through each page: Clear definitions of key terms, concepts, and jargon Tactics and strategies for conducting smart interviews Insider tips for always getting straight answers Practical advice for minimizing interview mistakes Warning signs of things going wrong during an interview Stories and insights from the interviewing experiences of others Specific procedures, tactics, and techniques for following this book's advice

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    Interviewing Techniques for Managers (Briefcase Books ~ Interviewing Techniques for Managers shows you how to master every aspect of the interview process to ensure that you always get honest, helpful, and results-oriented answers. Look to this important addition to McGraw-Hill's Briefcase Books series for workplace-tested interviewing methods including:

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    Interviewing Techniques for Managers - Google Books ~ Interview Strategies for Always Getting the Information You Need For managers, interviewing is about gathering useful information in every face-to-face encounter, from project planning meetings to client discussions to speaking with prospective employees. Interviewing Techniques for Managers shows you how to master every aspect of the interview process to ensure that you always get honest .

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