Beschreibung Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love. Feeling miserable with your job, but can’t bring yourself to quit? Deep down inside, you know that your current job doesn’t fit you. Every morning, you felt drained and unmotivated to go to work. Every night, you couldn’t sleep because you kept thinking about the problems you have to face the next day. Difficult co-workers and management, negative work environment, meaningless tasks, long working hours, and tight deadlines. Your unfulfilling job is making you feel depressed and killing your soul slowly day by day. But yet, you can’t leave your position. What is stopping you from taking action? Fear. You want to quit your job, but you are afraid of losing your financial security. What is you cannot find another job? What if you pick another career that is as bad as or even worse than your current one? How about the people close to you? You don’t want to let your parents down as they have high expectations for you. You feel guilty about leaving your colleagues to take over your workload. You also don’t want to be perceived as a quitter or someone who gives up easily whenever they face a problem. So you feel stuck and trapped in your job and don’t know what to do. Download — Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love. The purpose of this book is to inspire you to do what you love and not let fear hold you back. Fearless Passion will help you to:Uncover hidden fears that are holding you backChange your perspective and overcome your fearBreak free from the job you hateMake a smooth career or job changeIdentify what you love to doBuild skills for your next job by using your passion Whether you are changing a new job, changing a new career or starting your own business, Fearless Passion will help you get started and remove your self-doubt. So don’t let your fear stop you from doing the work that you love. Scroll to the top of the page and get a copy of Fearless Passion now!
Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What you Love by ~ Fearless Passion is a book where the author, Yong Kang Chan, draws on his own life experiences to help you with your own passion. He takes you through the various stages of leaving his own career, finding temporary employment with HBO Asia and the various bits about learning of his passion, animation. Not only that, but the author has collected all sorts of stories from varying people and what .
Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love ~ So you feel stuck and trapped in your job and donât know what to do. Download â Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love. The purpose of this book is to inspire you to do what you love and not let fear hold you back. Fearless Passion will help you to: Uncover hidden fears that are holding you back
Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love ~ Download â Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love. The purpose of this book is to inspire you to do what you love and not let fear hold you back. Fearless Passion will help you to: Uncover hidden fears that are holding you back. Change your perspective and overcome your fear. Break free from the job you hate. Make a smooth career or job change. Identify what you love to do .
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Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love ~ Fearless Passion: Find the Courage to Do What You Love (English Edition) eBook: Yong Kang Chan: : Kindle Store
: Customer reviews: Fearless Passion: Find the ~ While the book gives you support on following your passion, it also gives you tips on how to do it even if you haven't got a passion. It encourages you to look at yourself and find what you truly enjoy. Once you've found your passion and determined what you want to do, it then gives you a bunch of information on what you might want to do. It questions whether you'd like to do it full/part time .
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