Beschreibung Marks, H: The most important thing.
Marks, H: The most important thing - Marks, Howard ~ Marks, H: The most important thing / Marks, Howard / ISBN: 9789353022792 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the ~ The Most Important Thing is a short read and is split into 20 chapters, each detailing a different lesson. Marks manages to share his considerable wisdom with humility and without platitude. The only possible criticism is that there is a huge amount of focus on the 2004-2009 time period, bu
Marks, H: The most important thing: : Marks ~ Now for the first time, readers can benefit from Mark's wisdom, concentrated into a single lifetime of experience and study, The Most Important Thing explains the keys to successful investment and the pitfalls that can destroy capital or ruin a career. Utilising passages from his memos to illustrate his ideas, Marks teaches by example, detailing the development of an investment philosophy that .
Most Important Thing, The: Howard Marks, John FitzGibbon ~ Marks is a deep thinker with a lot of experience. I've read "The Most Important Thing.." more than once and value it as a cornerstone for appreciating risk and market tides. Marks is the only author whose works I'd put on the same shelf with Warren Buffet's writings, the shelf of lastingly helpful books. I recommend it.
: The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for ~ The Most Important Thing, Marks's insightful investment philosophy and time-tested approach, is a must read for every investor. -- Seth A. Klarman, president, The Baupost Group When I see memos from Howard Marks in my mail, they're the first thing I open and read. I always learn something, and that goes double for his book. -- Warren Buffett .
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