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    GMAT Sentence Correction Grail: 3rd Edition

    Beschreibung GMAT Sentence Correction Grail: 3rd Edition. The only book you need to ace the GMAT Sentence Correction From the Back Cover of the book The GMAT Sentence Correction Grail is a path breaking book that takes a structured approach to teach you sentence correction for the GMAT. The book spans more than 300 pages and is divided into five parts: Part 1 - Basic Grammar Review Reviews the necessary grammar concepts to build a strong foundation Part 2 - Sentence Correction Error Types In-depth coverage of all the Sentence Correction error types- subject-verb agreement, pronouns, modifiers, idioms, verb tense, parallelism, comparisons Part 3- Miscellaneous Sentence Correction Errors Discusses the GMAT likes and dislikes -what to prefer and what to avoid. Part 4- Question bank Exclusive Practice Set of 125 questions to help you apply the concepts learnt in previous chapters Part 5 - Quick Revision Summarizes all the topics to help you revise everything quickly. How is this book superior to any other book for Sentence Correction?­­ Covers the entire gamut of concepts tested on Sentence Correction, from the most basic ones such as nouns and verbs to the more advanced ones such as Ellipsis and Adverbial Modifiers Helps you master sentence correction in a step-by-step manner. The book first helps you build a strong grammatical foundation, then addresses the error types in depth and finally lets you apply and fine tune the concepts learnt on 125 GMAT-like practice questions Provides Targeted Practice drills at the end of each chapter for conceptual clarity Does not just give pages of theory but also helps you understand how a concept is tested on actual GMAT questions by referencing the Official Guide for GMAT Review 13th or the 12th edition whenever necessary Devotes an entire section to what the GMAT likes and dislikes between two options such as whether and if, like and as, will and would, etc.

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    GMAT Sentence Correction Grail: 3rd Edition: ~ GMAT Sentence Correction Grail: 3rd Edition / Aristotle Prep / ISBN: 9789350872840 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    GMAT Sentence Correction Grail 3rd edition by Aristotle ~ GMAT Sentence Correction Grail 3rd edition by Aristotle Prep(2012-10-12) / Aristotle Prep / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    9789350872840: GMAT Sentence Correction Grail: 3rd Edition ~ GMAT Sentence Correction Grail: 3rd Edition. Prep, Aristotle. 3.89 avg rating • (9 ratings by Goodreads)) Softcover ISBN 10: 9350872846 ISBN 13: 9789350872840. Publisher: Aristotle Prep, 2012. This specific ISBN edition is currently not available. View all copies of this ISBN edition: Synopsis; About this title; The only book you need to ace the GMAT Sentence Correction From the Back Cover .

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