Beschreibung Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with exercises (De Gruyter Textbook). Every German student of business administration needs to have a basic understanding of accounting according to German GAAP, and thanks to globalization many courses about German accounting are nowadays held in English to improve the language skills of the students. In addition many foreign subsidiaries of German companies have to prepare their part of consolidated financial statements according to German GAAP. So far, these professionals can rely on German literature only. The first part of the book offers a compact introduction to financial statements according to German GAAP, the second part comprises exercises on individual topics with solutions and case studies for in-depth and effective learning. This introduction provides ideal support for German-speaking students taking Englishspeaking lectures in the field and is furthermore valuable for professionals looking for explanations when preparing the data for consolidated financial statements. Includes exercises and case studies for practice Ideal textbook for students of German Universities attending English-speaking lectures in financial management Ideal introduction for professionals with a succinct explanation and additional support with a glossary and vocabulary
Financial Accounting – Introduction to German GAAP with ~ <p>Every German student of business administration needs to have a basic understanding of accounting according to German GAAP, and thanks to globalization many courses about German accounting are nowadays held in English to improve the language skills of the students. </p> <p>In addition many foreign subsidiaries of German companies have to prepare their part of consolidated financial .
Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with ~ Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with exercises (De Gruyter Textbook) / Nothhelfer, Robert / ISBN: 9783110521061 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Financial Accounting - Walter de Gruyter ~ Ideal textbook for students of German Universities attending English-speaking lectures in financial management Aims and Scope Every German student of business administration needs to have a basic understanding of accounting according to German GAAP, and thanks to globalization many courses about German accounting are nowadays held in English to improve the language skills of the students.
Financial Accounting (eBook, PDF) von Robert Nothhelfer ~ Financial Accounting (eBook, PDF) Introduction to German GAAP with exercises. Als Download kaufen-10%. 28,95 € Statt 31,99 €** 28,95 € inkl. MwSt. **Preis der gedruckten Ausgabe (Broschiertes Buch) eBook bestellen. Sofort per Download lieferbar. Jetzt verschenken-10%. 28,95 € Download. Geschenk. Als Download kaufen. Statt 31,99 €**-10%. 28,95 € inkl. MwSt. **Preis der gedruckten .
Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with ~ Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with exercises (De Gruyter Textbook) (English Edition) eBook: Nothhelfer, Robert: : Kindle-Shop
De Gruyter Textbook: Financial Accounting ebook / Weltbild ~ eBook Shop: De Gruyter Textbook: Financial Accounting von Robert Nothhelfer als Download. Jetzt eBook herunterladen & mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen.
Financial Accounting (eBook, ePUB) von Robert Nothhelfer ~ Financial Accounting (eBook, ePUB) Introduction to German GAAP with exercises. Als Download kaufen. 39,95 € 39,95 € inkl. MwSt. eBook bestellen. Sofort per Download lieferbar. Jetzt verschenken. 39,95 € 39,95 € inkl. MwSt. eBook verschenken. Sofort per Download lieferbar. Alle Infos zum eBook verschenken. Download. Geschenk. Als Download kaufen. 39,95 € inkl. MwSt. eBook bestellen .
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Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with ~ : Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with exercises (De Gruyter Textbook) eBook: Nothhelfer, Robert: Kindle Store . Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Try Prime Cart. Kindle Store. Go Search Hello Select your address Gift ideas for Dad. Best Sellers Customer Service New Releases Find a Gift Today's Deals Whole .
Financial Accounting by Nothhelfer, Robert (ebook) ~ Financial Accounting: Introduction to German GAAP with exercises (De Gruyter Textbook series) by Robert Nothhelfer. Every German student of business administration needs to have a basic understanding of accounting according to German GAAP, and thanks to globalization many courses about German accounting are nowadays held in English to improve the language skills of the students. In addition .
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Financial Accounting Buch versandkostenfrei bei Weltbild ~ The first part of the book offers a compact introduction to financial statements according to German GAAP, the second part comprises exercises on individual topics with solutions and case studies for in-depth and effective learning. This introduction provides ideal support for German-speaking students taking Englishspeaking lectures in the field and is furthermore valuable for professionals .
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