Beschreibung Service Desk Superhero: A Step-By-Step Guide. If you had to rebuild the IT helpdesk from the ground up, how would you do it?Service Desk Superhero is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide in transforming the service desk from mediocre to excellent! Be an I.T. superhero! Turn the service desk around, improve the business, and catapult your career!In this book you will learn:✅ How to lay the foundation that will ensure optimal service desk success!✅ How to harness the unique talents of the service desk staff and align their roles!✅ How to build a solid service desk solution by choosing the right ticketing system!✅ How to use automation techniques to put your service desk on cruise control!✅ BONUS: How to deal with the most common service requests and incidents!...and much more!Don't let your IT career fall into a downward spiral. BUY this book NOW!Readers are loving Service Desk Superhero:“I wish I had a book like this years ago! The Service Desk industry can really benefit from the research and advice from Service Desk Superhero. I'm certain that businesses will see tremendous improvements in the way IT incidents and requests are handled if they follow Mike's advice.” -- J. M., IT Consultant and Business Systems Analyst, CGI “WOW is all I can say. I highly, highly recommend this book. There is no service desk reference like this out there….If you only had to buy one book about the service desk, this had better be it!” --- A.M., Business Consultant, TD Bank“This is an invaluable, must-have reference guide! It's an excellent compilation of best practices that Service Desks should refer to periodically.” --- W. S., Cyber Security Consultant
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