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    Bookkeeping Guidebook: Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide

    Beschreibung Bookkeeping Guidebook: Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide. A startup business or small company may have no formal accounting system in place, which leads to endless difficulties with record keeping and producing reliable financial statements. The Bookkeeping Guidebook eliminates these problems by showing how to set up and operate a double entry accounting system, create journal entries, and record information in a general ledger. With this framework in place, the book also discusses how to issue billings, process cash receipts, calculate depreciation, value inventory, pay employees and suppliers, file tax returns, and produce financial statements. In short, this is the desk reference needed by anyone who wants to create or operate an accounting system.

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    Bookkeeping Guidebook: Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide ~ Bookkeeping Guidebook: Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide 338. by Steven M. Bragg. Paperback $ 21.95 . The Bookkeeping Guidebook eliminates these problems by showing how to set up and operate a double entry accounting system, create journal entries, and record information in a general ledger. With this framework in place, the book also discusses how to issue billings, process cash .

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