Beschreibung Shoen, A: #ENTRYLEVELBOSS. Banging your head against the wall with the job search? #ENTRYLEVELBOSS will help you stop freaking out. Miserable in your current role but no idea what to do next? With this book you'll be able to make a decision, no personality tests required. Convinced that you are the most unhireable person on this planet? That's statistically improbable - and you'll be amazed at how employable you'll be by the time you have finished reading. This is personal training for your career, based on a step-by-step plan that includes: All the intel you need about getting hired in today's world, in today's industries, and with today's tools. Hyper-specific advice including templates for networking emails, CVs, and cover letters. Straight-to-the-point guidance about what not to do. A solid dose of humour and emotional support from someone who really has been there. The world of work has changed, and getting hired today for a job you actually want is going to take a lot more than a neatly typed cover letter and a well-pressed suit. But along with all the challenges of the new economy come unprecedented opportunities, and careers expert Alexa Shoen is here to unlock them for you.