Beschreibung Financial Calculations for Business. The book describes the methods used for all financial calculations involving interest, discounting and depreciation. Among the subjects covered are loans, mortgages, hire purchase, leasing, discounted cash flow, bills of exchange, bonds and other commercial papers of all kinds. In each case the formula is presented, together with all variations in regular use, and is illustrated with examples that are worked through in detail. The books deals not only with the methods in regular use in the UK but also with those used in the US and elsewhere and with rare and anomalous calculations seldom covered elsewhere. The book is a completely revised and substantially enlarged version of the author's "Business interest calculations". The author is an authority on financial calculations who has acted as consultant to a number of UK institutions and still advises Hewlett Packard on financial programming for their range of business calculators. He has written a number of books including "Programs for financial calculations".
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