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    Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide

    Beschreibung Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide. Today, economics is everywhere, and it’s never been more popular— as bestselling books such as Freakonomics attest. But what is economics really about? What do the great economists think, and what can economics do for us today? David Orrell explains all in Introducing’s trademark intelligent style, accompanied by brilliant illustrations from Borin van Loon.David Orrell is a Canadian mathematician who lives in Oxford, the university from which he received his doctorate. His previous book was Economyths (Icon, 2010).Borin Van Loon has worked on numerous Introducing titles. He is a freelance illustrator, surrealist painter, and collagist.

    Buch Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide PDF ePub

    Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide - Orrell, David ~ Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide / Orrell, David, Van Loon, Borin / ISBN: 9781848312159 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide Author: David ~ [(Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide)] [Author: David Orrell] published on (August, 2011) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide eBook: ~ Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide / / ISBN: 9781848317789 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide (Introducing ~ A comic-book introduction to economics from David Orrell, the author of Economyths: 11 Ways Economics Gets it Wrong. With illustrations from Borin Van Loon. Part of the internationally-recognised Introducing Graphic Guide series. Today, it seems, all things are measured by economists. The so-called 'dismal science' has never been more popular .

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