Beschreibung Property and Equality, Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination. The ethnography of egalitarian social systems was first met with sheer disbelief. Today it is still hotly debated in a number of fields and has gained sophistication as well as momentum. This collection of essays on "property and equality" acknowledges this diversification by presenting research results in two complementary volumes. They bring together a wide range of authoritative researchers most of whom have worked with hunter-gatherer groups. These two volumes cover existing ethnographic and theoretical ground while maintaining a clear focus on the relation between property and equality. The book consists of the most recent work of prominent members of the original group of researchers in hunter-gatherer studies among them James Woodburn and Richard Lee, and very recent ethnography on hunter-gatherers and other egalitarian systems.
Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation ~ Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination (2006-01-30) / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation ~ Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination Paperback – January 1, 2006 by Thomas Widlok (Editor), Wolde Gossa Tadesse (Editor) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating
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Household and homestead heads in Hamar ~ Property and Equality Vol. 2 Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination Edited by Thomas Widlok and Wolde Tadesse Berghahn Books Introduction If you were to visit Hamar in southern Ethiopia, you would probably gain the impression from what you see and hear that this is a relatively egalitarian yet also male dominated society. The elders appear to be equals, each self-sufficient and independent, and no one
(PDF) Property and Equality - Volume I: Ritualisation ~ Property and Equality - Volume I: Ritualisation, Sharing, Egalitarianism by Thomas Widlok and Wolde Gossa Tadesse Property and Equality - Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialisation, Discrimination by Thomas Widlok and Wolde Gossa Tadesse
overview for restinkesia - Reddit ~ If you want to read on this I recommend the two volumes Property and Equality: Volume I: Ritualization, Sharing, Egalitarianism and Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination:
Property and Equality: Volume I: Ritualization, Sharing ~ Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination by Thomas Widlok Paperback $4.85 Only 3 left in stock - order soon. Ships from and sold by powells_chicago.
overview for pormilke - Reddit ~ Property and Equality: Volume I: Ritualization, Sharing, Egalitarianism by Thomas Widlok and Wolde Gossa Tadesse. Property and Equality: Volume II: Encapsulation, Commercialization, Discrimination by Thomas Widlok. Stephen Marglin's The Dismal Science: How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community. There's also David Graeber's various books, including Towards an Anthropological Theory of .
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Jerome Lewis / UCL Anthropology - UCL – University College ~ Mbendjele Yaka Pygmies, the Ndoki Forest and the Wider World'. In Property and Equality, Vol. 2 Encapsulation, Commercialisation, Discrimination. Edited by Thomas Widlok and Wolde Tadesse, Berghahn Books, pp. 56-78. 2002 'Putting Hunter-Gatherer and Farmer Relations in Perspective. A Commentary from Central Africa'.
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