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    Young Jobhunters: Interview Skills

    Beschreibung Young Jobhunters: Interview Skills. As a young jobhunter, interviews can be particularly daunting. Not only have you had little interview practice, but you are also likely to be faced with questions about your lack of work experience, and you may have fewer qualifications to discuss in the interview room. But there's no need to panic if it's your first or second interview, because Young Jobhunters: Interview Skills is here to help, guiding new jobhunters through the interview process and showing you how to present yourself in the best possible light to employers. Young Jobhunters: Interview Skills includes vital information on what to expect at interview to help inexperienced interviewees prepare effectively so that you can perform to the best of your ability. Most importantly for an inexperienced job hunter, you'll also find out how to make the most of your current skills, qualifications and work experience, however little you have, so you can demonstrate the work skills employers are looking for when they ask you tough interview questions. Containing vital advice on dealing with interview nerves and waiting for the interview outcome, Young Jobhunters: Interview Skills is the essential guide if you are a first and second jobber. It gives you insights into what interviews are all about, how to create a good first impression and how to recognise your strengths and build your confidence so you can impress the interview panel. Inside, there is also information on different types of interview, including the increasingly popular psychometric tests, as well as how to prepare for testing at assessment centres. With sample interview questions, quizzes, interview case studies and useful checklists along the way, Young Jobhunters; Interview Skills will make sure you have all the top tips and techniques you need to make your interview a success. The Young Jobhunters series is a toolkit for anyone just getting started in the world of work. It reveals insider advice on how to apply for and win your first or second permanent job, whatever your experience. From creating a brilliant CV to acing your interview, it provides essential tips and tricks every new job seeker needs to know.

    Buch Young Jobhunters: Interview Skills PDF ePub

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