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    The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View

    Beschreibung The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View. How did the dynamic economic system we know as capitalism develop among the peasants and lords of feudal Europe?In The Origin of Capitalism, a now-classic work of history, Ellen Meiksins Wood offers readers a clear and accessible introduction to the theories and debates concerning the birth of capitalism, imperialism, and the modern nation state. Capitalism is not a natural and inevitable consequence of human nature, nor simply an extension of age-old practices of trade and commerce. Rather, it is a late and localized product of very specific historical conditions, which required great transformations in social relations and in the relationship between humans and nature.

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    The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View: : Wood ~ The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View / Wood, Ellen Meiksins / ISBN: 9781859843925 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View: Meiksins Wood ~ In The Origin of Capitalism, a now-classic work of history, Ellen Meiksins Wood offers readers a clear and accessible introduction to the theories and debates concerning the birth of capitalism, imperialism, and the modern nation state. Capitalism is not a natural and inevitable consequence of human nature, nor simply an extension of age-old practices of trade and commerce. Rather, it is a .

    Verso ~ FREE EBOOK DOWNLOAD! 1 day left. 40% off ALL student reading! 25 days left. The Origin of Capitalism. A Longer View. by Ellen Meiksins Wood-1; 0; 1; 2; Paperback. Paperback with free ebook. $17.95 $10.77 40% off. 224 pages / May 2017 / 9781786630681 . Ebook. Ebook. $9.99 $5.99 40% off. Read on any device. February 2016 / 9781784787783. Paperback. Paperback with free ebook. $24.95. 216 pages .

    The Origin of Capitalism: A Longer View: Wood, Ellen ~ WWood recent death and my own interests in longer view of capitalism strangely overlapped and I revisited this gem of historiography. Wood and Brenner have been key in getting me to re-think some over-generalizations about capitalist teleology assumed in both liberal and Marxist circles. Many Marxists after Marx have made the same assumptions as liberals about the natural development of .

    The Origins of Capitalism as a Social System: The ~ The Origins of Capitalism as a Social System explores the line between what is and is not capitalism, (re)producing a theory of capitalism as a system of class domination and exploitation. Part I of the book focuses on the monetary theory of value and capital developed by Karl Marx, while at the same time critically reviews an array of economic and historical literature, both Marxist and non .

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    History of capitalism - Wikipedia ~ Liberals view capitalism as an expression of natural human behaviors that have been in evidence for millennia and the most beneficial way of promoting human well being. [citation needed] They see capitalism as originating in trade and commerce, and freeing people to exercise their entrepreneurial natures. [citation needed] Marxists view capitalism as a historically unusual system of .

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