Beschreibung Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk Into Resilience and Value. Leaders whether in business, government or the nonprofit sector take risks but often without fully understanding risk at a strategic level. Expanding upon the well-known "ESG" risks, this book explains the key nonfinancial (environmental, social, governance and technological or ESGT) risks. For many leaders (including board members), taking risk without knowledge or preparation can lead to organizational crisis, scandal and value destruction. For those who are prepared, resilience follows and so does the ability to transform ESGT risk into opportunity and value for stakeholders. In this book, global governance, risk, ethics and cyber strategist, author and board member, Andrea Bonime-Blanc, shows practitioners at all levels how to effectively identify and manage their top ESGT risks to avoid crises and transform risk into sustainable long-term resilience and value.Gloom to Boom is a book for everyone from the highest levels of leadership in an organization (the board, CEO and C-suite), to other senior leaders (the chief risk officer, CFO, general counsel, head of CSR and sustainability, CISO, CHRO), and midlevel leaders, students and folks simply interested in current affairs and the role and impact of strategic risk and opportunity on their lives.
Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience ~ In this book, global governance, risk, ethics and cyber strategist, author and board member, Andrea Bonime-Blanc, shows practitioners at all levels how to effectively identify and manage their top ESGT risks to avoid crises and transform risk into sustainable long-term resilience and value. Gloom to Boom is a book for everyone – from the highest levels of leadership in an organization (the board, CEO and C-suite), to other senior leaders (the chief risk officer, CFO, general counsel, head .
Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience ~ Andrea Bonime-Blanc, a well-known writer and speaker in the corporate governance community, wrote Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Bisk into Besilience and Value (Routledge, 2020) in 2018-19, before the COVID-19 crisis. A global pandemic was just a possible item on lists of theoret-ical atypical and potentially disruptive risks that boards were admonished to consider when ful-filling their .
Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience ~ In this book, global governance, risk, ethics and cyber strategist, author and board member, Andrea Bonime-Blanc, shows practitioners at all levels how to effectively identify and manage their top ESGT risks to avoid crises and transform risk into sustainable long-term resilience and value. Gloom to Boom is a book for everyone – from the highest levels of leadership in an organization (the board, CEO and C-suite), to other senior leaders (the chief risk officer, CFO, general .
Gloom to Boom / How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience ~ Gloom to Boom. DOI link for Gloom to Boom. Gloom to Boom book. How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value. Gloom to Boom . DOI link for Gloom to Boom. Gloom to Boom book. How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value. By Andrea Bonime-Blanc. Edition 1st Edition . First Published 2019 . eBook Published 16 October 2019 . Pub. location London . Imprint Routledge . DOI https://doi .
Gloom to Boom / GEC Risk Advisory – Transforming Risk Into ~ In this book, global governance, risk and ethics strategist and author, Andrea Bonime-Blanc, shows practitioners at all levels how to effectively identify and manage their top ESGT risks to avoid crises and transform risk into sustainable long-term resilience and value. Gloom to Boom is a book for everyone – from the highest levels of leadership in an organization (the board, CEO and c-suite), to other senior leaders (the chief risk officer, CFO, general counsel, head of CSR and .
Gloom to Boom: Bonime-Blanc, Andrea: 9781783537334: ~ In this book, global governance, risk, ethics and cyber strategist, author and board member, Andrea Bonime-Blanc, shows practitioners at all levels how to effectively identify and manage their top ESGT risks to avoid crises and transform risk into sustainable long-term resilience and value. Gloom to Boom is a book for everyone – from the highest levels of leadership in an organization (the board, CEO and C-suite), to other senior leaders (the chief risk officer, CFO, general counsel, head .
Library / DRI International ~ GLOOM TO BOOM: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value. Event: Annual Conference - DRI2020. Author: ANDREA BONIME-BLANC
RIMS ERM Conference Preview: Q&A with - Risk Management ~ This year’s RIMS ERM Conference will be held virtually on November 4 and 5, 2020, promising two days packed with informative sessions featuring global risk leaders.The conference kicks off November 4 th with a live keynote delivered by Dr. Andrea Bonime-Blanc, founder of GEC Risk Advisory and the author of Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk Into Resilience and Value.
Continuity & Resilience Today Conference / Toronto ~ The Value of Vision: Anticipatory Foresight as a Crucial Characteristic for Continuity and Resiliency Leadership . Robert Chandler, PhD. Professor of Communication Lipscomb University. Read more. Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value . Andrea Bonime-Blanc, JD, PhD. Founder & CEO, Author, Board Member GEC Risk Advisory .
Download PDF – “Resilience” part - GEC Risk Advisory ~ Strategic & Enterprise Risk; Transforming Risk; Risk 2 Value Blog; Gloom to Boom Book 2020; Andrea’s Books. The AI Imperative Book; The Rep-Risk HandBook; The Ethics and Compliance Handbook; Spain’s Transition to Democracy; Events; Thought Leadership. GEC Risk TV; ESGT Impact; GEC Risk News Archive; Team & Contact. GEC Risk Team Bios .
Leading agile transformation: The new capabilities leaders ~ Transforming your organization. Here, leaders must learn how to cocreate an agile organization purpose, design, and culture. Purpose: Find the north star. The first distinctive organization-level skill leaders need to develop is the ability to distill a clear, shared, and compelling purpose—a north star—for their organization. Rather than the traditional executive-team exercise, in agile .
The Business of Human Rights: Best Practice and the UN ~ Case studies from a range of sectors and industries – such as extractives, apparel, fast-moving consumer goods, electronics, and banking and finance – illustrate the enormous risks and opportunities human rights pose for business in practice.
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Why Your Board Needs a Plan for AI Oversight ~ 1. NACD Blue Ribbon Commission, “Fit for the Future: An Urgent Imperative for Board Leadership” (Washington, D.C.: NACD, 2019). 2. A. Bonime-Blanc, “Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk Into Resilience and Value,” 1st ed.
Disaster management and risk reduction: strategy and ~ value of our Red Cross Red Crescent network. The effects of food insecurity can also be mitigated at local level through long-term community projects supported by National Societies. The Geneva secretariat will provide support to Nationals Societies in building more resilient communities, mitigation and risk reduction, and food security and livelihoods. Geneva headquarters will maintain a .
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After the Pandemic Vol IV: The Post-COVID-19 Governance ~ In my book, Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value, I offer a typology of leadership (see Figure 1 below) based on how seriously and effectively a leader considers and .
Understanding cloud transformation and resiliency: a ~ Resiliency is a significant challenge for finance organizations, and during the current COVID-19 pandemic, financial service providers need the right mix of security, compliance and agility to stay flexible. A previous article from Lisa Choi and Luke Thomas outlines the importance of the cloud in building elastic infrastructures. To follow up on that topic, I recently spoke with Michelle Unger .
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Culture of innovation: a recipe for organizations ~ Innovation leaders see this clearly. They list upskilling and reskilling as among the top three strategies for business resilience. Other things leaders can do is incentivize employees for innovative and long-term contributions, and not focus simply on short-term tasks and performance. Innovation must become a corporate value that is embedded .
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Cybersecurity Research for Digital Business / Gartner ~ Download the roadmap Create a resilient, scalable and agile cybersecurity strategy. . research and guidance to help security and risk management leaders create risk-optimized strategies to improve their organization’s readiness against cyberthreats. How mature is your cybersecurity program? To prevent and protect the organization against cyberthreats and security breaches, chief .
Blockchain / What it is & Why it Matters / Accenture ~ This capability creates whole new ways of thinking about how to transform processes, drive resiliency across complex networks like supply chains, facilitate trust, verify the digital identity of people and objects, and build new revenue models. Where It's Going. Through a combination of blockchain, biometrics and identity, tokenization, confidential compute and a variety of other technologies .
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