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    Unlock Your Career Success: Knowing the Unwritten Rules Changes Everything

    Beschreibung Unlock Your Career Success: Knowing the Unwritten Rules Changes Everything. If you’re working hard at your job, but your career isn’t progressing as quickly as you’d like, more hard work is not the answer! It’s time to debunk the myth of a one-dimensional meritocracy and discover what really drives career progression.Knowing the unwritten rules changes everything: it’s the key to unlocking your true potential and enjoying the career you deserve. This book is an accessible, practical guide for smart, ambitious women to navigate the twists and turns of today’s workplace. Find out how women (not Super Women!) before you have cracked the code to career progression and fulfilment while remaining true to themselves, so you, too, can:Take control of your career while increasing your contribution to the businessBoost your confidence in an environment of chaos and uncertaintyNavigate challenging conversations, difficult people and tricky situationsCreate engaging roles and opportunities that you didn’t even know existedEnlist others to support your career and open the door to a world of possibilities

    Buch Unlock Your Career Success: Knowing the Unwritten Rules Changes Everything PDF ePub

    Unlock Your Career Success: Knowing the Unwritten Rules ~ Christine Brown-Quinn’s latest book, Unlock Your Career Success: Knowing the Unwritten Rules Changes Everything, provides a detailed roadmap for career development and advancement that every woman should read. She has a unique way of empowering women to seek and achieve the personal and professional fulfillment they deserve through hard work and confidence. As a partner at a law firm, I find her advice as useful for seasoned women in the workplace as it is for those at the start of their .

    Unlock Your Career Success – by Christine Brown-Quinn ~ Unlock Your Career Success – by Christine Brown-Quinn. If you’re working hard at your job, but your career isn’t progressing as quickly as you’d like, more hard work is not the answer! It’s time to debunk the myth of a one-dimensional meritocracy and discover what really drives career progression. Knowing the unwritten rules changes everything: it’s the key to unlocking your true .

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