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    God, Please Help Me Find a Job: 21 Prayers for the Job Seeker

    Beschreibung God, Please Help Me Find a Job: 21 Prayers for the Job Seeker. Have you recently been released from your job? Has the entire industry you were working in been eliminated? Are you now facing the fact that you now are back in the job market? Does the whole idea of unemployment make you want to pound your head up against a wall? I understand your dilemma. All this may cause you to feel unstable about job opportunities and to worry that you will not find a job. It's painful to have to file unemployment and hunt for a job. I have been there, done that, but I came out better on the other side. I have great news! You have Someone who is near, able to help you navigate your next career move. This person knows everybody and understands all industries. All you have to do is talk to Him regularly about how to find a new job. This book will bring you peace of mind and help calm your fears as you use the prayers to talk to the Master career coach, God Almighty. It may seem unusual to you, but God is an expert in career guidance. The book, "GOD, Please Help me find a Job! 21 Prayers for the Job Seeker" will assist you in seeking the face of God so that you can make the right decisions when it comes to job opportunities. This book will prompt you in prayer until you find your own voice. There are several benefits to reading this book. The first benefit is that you don't have to read it all at once. This book is meant to be a pocket reference of prayers for the job seeker. Just pick a subject, read and pray. It is just that easy to talk to God about your job search. He listens and He will always respond with comfort.

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    Job seekers - Services Australia ~ Payments and services while you’re looking for work or doing approved studies to help you find and keep a job. Tasks. Payment and Service Finder. Find, estimate and compare payments, and locate services . Report. Lodge your employment income. Claim early for JobSeeker Payment. Help to start an early claim for JobSeeker Payment. Payments. JobSeeker Payment. Financial help if you’re between .

    6 Ways to Pray to God (Beginners) - wikiHow ~ If you promised God that you would improve yourself or work harder for something, you should keep your promise. Work as hard as you can, honestly and with humility, and God will understand and be pleased. 3. Pray regularly. Don't just pray when you have a really big problem. God is not your band-aid. Pray all the time and show Him the respect that He deserves. Get in the habit and with time .

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