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    Never Bullshit the Client: My Life in Investment Consulting

    Beschreibung Never Bullshit the Client: My Life in Investment Consulting. Richard Ennis was a slow starter.Recounting his “misspent youth,” Ennis shares he had little interest in school and spent much of his time hot rodding and frequenting Harry’s poolroom.He gained a sense of direction only in the latter years of college and in graduate school, when he developed an interest in finance theory. That is when he initiated a quest for what he describes as a “profound” understanding of investment.Richard Ennis began his career in money management 50 years ago. It was the era of go-go mutual funds and sacred growth stocks. He offers an engaging account of his years as a securities analyst and money manager. His interest turned to consulting when it seemed to offer greater purpose.Never Bullshit the Client relates the author’s pioneering work among the quants, describes his role in helping create the field of investment consulting, and tells the inside story of a premier firm in that field, EnnisKnupp.Filled with entertaining tales of people, organizations and events, the book also provides insight into a man for whom loyalty, ethical conduct and empathy are indispensable in both life and the world of business.

    Buch Never Bullshit the Client: My Life in Investment Consulting PDF ePub

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