Beschreibung Don't Be Afraid of Accounting: Learn the Basics of Financial Accounting and Be on Your Way to Greater Success. DON’T BE AFRAID OF ACCOUNTINGI believe that anyone can learn accounting; it’s really not that hard. If you aren’t an accountant by trade, if you don’t consider yourself a math person, or if you think accounting is just too complex to learn, then I encourage you to read this book. I think you will find that accounting can actually be simple and easy once you learn how to approach it and once you learn the building blocks of the subject through financial statement preparation and analysis. I’ve spent the past seven years teaching both financial and managerial accounting at the collegiate level. If you want or need to learn accounting, then you need to first know the basics of financial accounting and know them well in order to build a solid foundational knowledge that will equip you to learn the more advanced topics in the field.No matter where you are in life or your career, I can help you learn the basics of financial accounting, which can set you up for greater success in accounting and beyond. For years, I have been helping people do exactly this. How Accounting Can Benefit YouFirst, accounting is virtually a recession proof field because even in bad times, companies still have to keep track of their finances. Even in economic downturns, accountants are still needed. Furthermore, not only is accounting pretty much recession proof, but accountants are almost always in demand. At the college where I teach, we frequently get requests from employers looking to hire students to fill bookkeeping and accounting positions. Even better, accountants (especially certified public accountants) usually make pretty solid money. What’s not to love about making money and being in demand?Why This Book Can Help You Learn AccountingMost accounting books, classes, seminars, and trainings start with the accounting equation and then start having you analyze transactions. I take a different approach. I believe it’s crucial to start from the ground up before you start analyzing the accounting equation and transactions. This is so because after teaching this subject for years, I’ve witnessed firsthand what works and what doesn’t. For the non-accountants and non-math people, starting out too complex and too fast (as most accounting material generally does) tends to create confusion and frustration. Worse, such an approach can turn people away from learning accounting altogether.I teach accounting in plain language for the non-accountant and accountant alike. I also teach it from the perspective of putting together the pieces of a puzzle rather than from a sophisticated academic perspective, which makes this material much easier to learn. In this book, I simply explain the basics of accounting in easy to understand terms in a manner that makes learning it easy.About The AuthorI’ve spent the past fifteen plus years performing some of the most complex and complicated accounting work that there is. On top of this, as noted above, I’ve spent the past seven years teaching accounting part-time at the collegiate level. As a CPA and a CFE, I love teaching accounting and helping people learn new skills and concepts that will benefit them and help advance their careers.Start learning accounting today and be on your way to bigger and greater successes. Scroll up and get your copy.
Brad Horton (Author of DON'T BE AFRAID OF ACCOUNTING) ~ don't be afraid of accounting: learn the basics of financial accounting and be on your way to greater success! 4.60 avg rating â 15 ratings Want to Read savingâŠ
The Art of Learning Accounting and Achieving Greater Success ~ After several years of encouragement by his students to write a book that explains the fundamentals of accounting, Brad recently wrote an e-book titled "Don't Be Afraid Of Accounting: Learn the Basics of Financial Accounting and Be on Your Way to Greater Success!" In this e-book, Brad puts into words the same methods and ideas that he has used to help hundreds of students gain a foundation and .
Corporate Finance & Accounting Introduction ~ Corporate Finance & Accounting Corporate finance and accounting deal with financing, capital structure, business activity reporting, and analysis to help maximize returns and shareholder value.
How to Improve Your Finance Skills (Even If You Hate Numbers) ~ The best way to learn, says Ruback, is to âreproduce the numbersâ either electronically or on a sheet of paper and then âgroup them into categories so you can start to see how much your .
Accounting - dummies ~ External financial statements, including the income statement (also called the profit report) comply with well-established rules and conventions. By contrast, the format and content of internal accounting reports to managers are wide open. If you could sneak a peek at the internal financial reports of several businesses, youâd be probably surprised by the diversity among the businesses. All .
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21 Expert Tips To Take Your Business To The Next Level ~ 14. Donât fall into a common tax trap. Donât make important business decisions by trying to lower your taxable income. Your business purpose should not be to win a game against the government .
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