Beschreibung How to Network Without Feeling Like an A-Hole. Do you wish networking just came naturally to you? Do you wish you could be the social butterfly, making easy, real friendships wherever you go? Are you tired of feeling like an a-hole networking to help your career?From those anxiety-inducing professional events to that untouched pile of business cards in your desk drawer to that smarmy feeling you get when you need to ask a new contact for a favor, most of what we think of when we think of “networking” just sucks.Well, things are about to change for you. This engaging and action-oriented book will transform the way you think about networking forever. It will turn you into the life of the party: someone who’s confident, charismatic, and connected. How to Network Without Feeling Like an A-Hole breaks down the process of building genuine professional friendships into a series of fool-proof steps, from how to survive networking events to how to turn new contacts into lifelong friends, all with zero douchebag factor. Here’s what you’ll find inside:A new paradigm for networking that feels good, not grossSimple strategies to navigate networking events with grace3 personal introduction frameworks that will make your new friends love youSmalltalk tips that will make you the light and life of the party even if you’re an introvertA 3-step process to take your contacts to the next level and turn them into genuine friendshipsAn arsenal of ideas for adding value to your network so you become the superconnector everyone counts onFollow the advice in this book, and overnight you’ll be one of those people who’s “confident but not cocky, can float seamlessly from group to group, and somehow seem to be actual friends with the people you’re there to network with.” – That’s a direct quote from a Harvard Business School student who used this book!Don’t wait. Read this book and become that person everyone in your network wants to know and support today.
: How to Network Without Feeling Like an A-Hole ~ How to Network Without Feeling Like an A-Hole breaks down the process of building genuine professional friendships into a series of . Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Apple. Android. Windows Phone. Android. To .
How to network without feeling like an a-hole by Angela ~ How to network without feeling like an a-hole by Angela Guido. When I read it: February 2020. Why I read it: Most people hate networking. I certainly do. But as my new ventures ramp up, I know I’m going to have to do it. This book is about how to transform networking from a series of transactions into a long term investment in new friendships. If you hate networking too, maybe these notes .
How to Network Without Feeling Like an A-Hole: Guido ~ How to Network Without Feeling Like an A-Hole breaks down the process of building genuine professional friendships into a series of fool-proof steps, from how to survive networking events to how to turn new contacts into lifelong friends, all with zero douchebag factor. Here’s what you’ll find inside:
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