Beschreibung ON OBEDIENCE: Contrasting Philosophies for the Military Citizenry and Community (Standford Studies in Jewish History and Culture). This volume is designed to be an in-depth and nuanced philosophical treatment of the virtue of obedience in the context of the professional military and the broader civilian political community, including the general citizenry. The nature and components of obedience are critical factors leading to further discussions of the moral obligations related to obedience, as well as the related practical issues and implications. Pauline Shanks Kaurin seeks to address the following questions: What is obedience? Is it a virtue, and if it is, why? What are the moral grounds of obedience? Why ought military members and citizens be obedient? Are there times that one ought not be obedient? Why? How should we think about obedience in contemporary political communities? In answering these questions, the book draws on arguments and materials from a variety of disciplines including classical studies, philosophy, history, international relations, literature and military studies, with a particular focus on cases and examples to illustrate the conceptual points. While a major focus of the book is the question of obedience in the contemporary military context, many similar (although not exactly the same) issues and considerations apply to other political communities and in, particular, citizens in a nation-state.
On Obedience / U.S. Naval Institute ~ Contrasting Philosophies for the Military, Citizenry, and Community. By Pauline Shanks Kaurin. Subject: Political Science / Spring 2020 Catalog / Holiday Catalog; Format: Hardcover. Pages: 288. pages; Published: March 15, 2020. ISBN-10: 1682474917. ISBN-13: 9781682474914. Product Dimensions: 9 × 6 × 1 in. Product Weight: 21 oz. Hardcover $37.95 Member Price $22.77 Save 40% Sign in to receive .
De Gruyter – Academic publishing ~ De Gruyter publishes first-class scholarship and has done so for more than 270 years. We are an international, independent publisher headquartered in Berlin.
A. S. Neill - Wikipedia ~ Early life and career. Alexander Sutherland Neill was born in Forfar, Scotland, on 17 October 1883 to George and Mary Neill. He was their fourth son; one of the eight surviving children out of 13. He was raised in an austere, Calvinist house with values of fear, guilt, and adult and divine authority, which he later repudiated. As a child, he was obedient, quiet, and uninterested in school.
Aristotle’s Political Theory (Stanford Encyclopedia of ~ Aristotle (b. 384 – d. 322 BCE), was a Greek philosopher, logician, and scientist. Along with his teacher Plato, Aristotle is generally regarded as one of the most influential ancient thinkers in a number of philosophical fields, including political theory.
Slavery in ancient Rome - Wikipedia ~ Slavery and warfare. Throughout the Roman period many slaves for the Roman market were acquired through warfare. Many captives were either brought back as war booty or sold to traders, and ancient sources cite anywhere from hundreds to tens of thousands of such slaves captured in each war. These wars included every major war of conquest from the Monarchical period to the Imperial period, as .
Colonialism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) ~ One of the key issues that distinguished critics from proponents of colonialism and imperialism was their view of the relationship between culture, history and progress. Many of the influential philosophers writing in France and England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries had assimilated some version of the developmental approach to history that was associated with the Scottish .
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