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    48 Days: To the Work You Love

    Beschreibung 48 Days: To the Work You Love. 48 Days to the Work You Love offers plenty of smart ideas for thriving in today’s changing workforce, this revised edition also includes fresh tips on career search and resume tools, interview skills, negotiating salaries, and more. According to financial expert Dave Ramsey, “Few categories of our lives define us and grow us spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and as people. Our work is one of those defining areas. Sadly, a ‘j-o-b’ is what most people settle for. But as Dan Miller so powerfully points out in 48 Days to the Work You Love, “a calling lights up your life”. As a leading vocational thinker, New York Times best-selling author Dan Miller helps readers better understand and organize their God-given skills, personality traits, values, dreams, and passions. In turn, they’ll see clear patterns form that point them toward successful career decisions. 48 Days to the Work You Love is packed with modern insight and timeless wisdom and provides a step-by-step process for creating a Life Plan and translating it into meaningful, satisfying daily work.

    Buch 48 Days: To the Work You Love PDF ePub

    Home - Official Site Dan Miller ~ Dan Miller is the author of the New York Times best-selling book 48 Days To the Work You Love, No More Dreaded Mondays and Wisdom Meets Passion.. Get answers to your most-asked questions about finding or creating work you love on his weekly podcast, which consistently ranks in the top three under careers on iTunes.Find out more about Dan and the 48 Days Team.

    48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal ~ Dan Miller is president of 48 Days LLC, specializing in creative thinking for increased personal and business success. He is the author of 48 Days to the Work You Love and No More Mondays and also writes often for CBN and Crosswalk as well as In Touch, AARP, and Success magazines. He and his wife, Joanne, live in Franklin, Tennessee.

    Work You Love Landing Page - Official Site Dan Miller ~ The exploding opportunities are waiting for you. The 20th Anniversary edition of 48 Days to the Work (and life) you love provides fresh tips on a job search to bypass the competition, how to nail the interview, how to negotiate another $20,000 on your salary, starting your own business and more. New updates include:

    DISC - Official Site Dan Miller ~ You are most likely reading this because you are looking to pursue work you love. It can be overwhelming trying to figure out your passion, much less how to apply it to work. This is where learning your DISC personality type can give you a big fat easy button. At 48 Days, we recommend you start with the DISC Personality Test. It will help you .

    48 Days Podcast - Official Site Dan Miller ~ 48 Days to the Work You Love. ABOUT; COACHING; EAGLES; PODCAST; BLOG; SHOP; CONTACT; Search: Join 48 Days Eagles. ABOUT; COACHING; EAGLES; PODCAST; BLOG; SHOP; CONTACT; 48 Days Podcast. Guard this 90 minute window and you’ll win the day! Tips for a Positive, Productive Day If you crawl out of bed, grab a cup of coffee, jump in your car, and scream at drivers holding you up – you’ve set .

    48 Days Podcast Archives - Official Site Dan Miller ~ 48 Days to the Work You Love. ABOUT; COACHING; EAGLES; PODCAST; BLOG; SHOP; CONTACT; Search: Join 48 Days Eagles. ABOUT; COACHING ; EAGLES; PODCAST; BLOG; SHOP; CONTACT; Category Archives: 48 Days Podcast. Guard this 90 minute window and you’ll win the day! 48 Days Podcast By Dan Miller November 6, 2020 Leave a comment. Share. Tweet. Share. Pin 1. Share. 1 Shares. Tips for a Positive .

    Dan's Blog - Official Site Dan Miller ~ Dan Miller's Blog provides resources to help you find work you love. From his New York Times best seller 48 Days To the Work You Love and his career coaching, Dan shares insights that can help you on your journey to work and life success.

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