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    Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired: Lessons from an MBA Insider

    Beschreibung Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired: Lessons from an MBA Insider. Make the Most of Your MBA Plan Earning an MBA can be a risky proposition. Some students effectively leverage their education to transform their careers, whereas others waste time and money pursuing a degree that doesn't adequately align with their career aspirations. This book is designed to help prospective and current MBA students (and even those who have already graduated and are trying to find their way) get the most from their degree, find the right business school in accordance with their career goals, and manage a successful job search. In Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired, Brian Precious draws on his expertise as a program and admissions director, as well as his own experience as an MBA graduate, to highlight ten essential lessons he's seen lead to success among prospective MBA students, current students, and alumni at some of the nation's top schools. An essential read for those seeking a degree or a career in business, Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired will give you the tools necessary to make your MBA work for you.

    Buch Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired: Lessons from an MBA Insider PDF ePub

    Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired: Lessons from an MBA ~ In Get In, Get Connected, Get Hired, Brian Precious draws on his expertise as a program and admissions director, as well as his own experience as an MBA graduate, to highlight ten essential lessons he's seen lead to success among prospective MBA students, current students, and alumni at some of the nation's top schools.

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