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    Going Alt-AC: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers

    Beschreibung Going Alt-AC: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers. A growing number of peoplecompleting or holding graduate degrees now seek non-faculty positions—alsocalled alternative academic, or “alt-ac” positions—at different stages in theircareers. While an increasing number of people with doctoral degrees are huntingfor a diminishing pool of tenure-track faculty jobs, most degree-grantinginstitutions do not adequately prepare their graduate students to enter the newreality of the alt-ac job market. Yet the administrative ranks in highereducation institutions are growing, as colleges and universities are creating adiverse range of positions that support teaching and learning efforts.Focusing on therange of potential alternative career choices, this highly practical bookoffers tools and prompts for readers who are:Consideringwhether to choose an alt-ac career pathSeekingspecific alt-ac positionsAdvisinggraduate students or mentoring recent professional graduatesEncounteringalt-ac career challengesThe authors offer casestories—their own and those of colleagues across North America in alt-acroles—with concrete examples designed to help readers pursue, obtain, and excelin a wide variety of alt-ac positions. The book can equally be used as aresource for graduate courses on professional development and job-marketpreparation.

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    Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers ~ Her latest works include Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers (Stylus, 2020; co-authored with Kevin Kelly and Tom Tobin), Managing Your Professional Identity Online: A Guide for Faculty, Staff, and Administrators (Stylus, 2018), High-Impact Practices in Online Education (Stylus, 2018), and The Business of Innovating Online (Stylus, 2019).

    Going Alt-Ac ~ Her latest works include Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers (Stylus, 2020; co-authored with Kevin Kelly and Tom Tobin), Managing Your Professional Identity Online: A Guide for Faculty, Staff, and Administrators (Stylus, 2018), High-Impact Practices in Online Education (Stylus, 2018), and The Business of Innovating Online (Stylus, 2019).

    ‎New Books in Critical Theory: K. Linder et al., "Going ~ Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers (Stylus Publishing, 2020) by Kathryn E. Linder, Kevin Kelly, and Thomas J. Tobin offers practical advice and step-by-step instructions on how to decide if you want to leave behind academia and how to start searching for a new career. If a lot of career advice is too vague or too ambiguous, this book corrects that by outlining not just how .

    Foreword to ‘Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic ~ The authors of Going Alt-Ac: A Guide to Alternative Academic Careers, Kathryn E. Linder, Kevin Kelly and Thomas J. Tobin, asked me to write the foreword to their book.That was a great honor. In an effort to inspire you to join the conversation about alternative academic careers, and to support the scholarship of the authors, the publisher of Going Alt-Ac has generously agreed to allow me to .

    Going Alt-Ac: How to Begin / GradHacker ~ Whatever the case may be, read on for tips and suggestions for how to begin your Alt-Ac job search and determine the skills you need to acquire to land the job you want. Alt-Ac(Alternative-Academic) refers to careers that may be in or outside of academia that present opportunities for PhDs besides tenure-track professorships.

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