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    42 Rules for 24-Hour Success on Linkedin: Practical Ideas to Help You Quickly Achieve Your Desired Business Success

    Beschreibung 42 Rules for 24-Hour Success on Linkedin: Practical Ideas to Help You Quickly Achieve Your Desired Business Success. This edition (first edition) is out of date. A second completely new edition was published in July, 2013. Please make sure that you purchase the second edition. Do you know how to use LinkedIn to achieve your business goals? There are millions of registered users on LinkedIn. Relatively few of them seem to have any real understanding of how to effectively use LinkedIn. With registered users on LinkedIn projected to grow to 70 million by the end of 2009, business professionals are searching for ways to leverage this new communication medium. Although Social Networking is exploding, there are very few resources that teach what users are craving – solutions to increase their desired business success. '42 Rules of 24-Hour Success on LinkedIn' is a user-friendly guidebook designed to help you leverage the power of LinkedIn to build visibility, make connections and support your brand. There is a theory that everyone in the world is connected by no more than 6 people. You know who you are, but who else in this socially-networked world knows you? This book will will help you: Create a clear understanding of why you are using LinkedIn. Learn how LinkedIn offers opportunities for the Job Seeker, the Sales Person, and everyone in between. Leverage the most effective ways to communicate your brand and your value. Use efficient strategies to build a high-quality network of connections. Demonstrate your expertise using the most powerful tools that LinkedIn offers

    Buch 42 Rules for 24-Hour Success on Linkedin: Practical Ideas to Help You Quickly Achieve Your Desired Business Success PDF ePub

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