Beschreibung Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues.
Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues ~ They examine these key theorists through a range of case studies of digital habits of human users, including closed captioning, trolling, sampling, remixing, gamifying for environmental causes, and using social media, alongside a consideration of the ethical habits of nonhuman actors.
Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a ~ "Technology and the Virtues is a valuable contribution to both virtue theory and philosophy of technology; those working at the intersection of these fields will need to take Vallor's work into account. At the same time, the book would work well in the classroom. Vallor leads her reader from the basics of virtue theory, through key virtue ethical traditions and new technosocial virtues, to .
Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues eBook by Jared S ~ Read "Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues" by Jared S. Colton available from Rakuten Kobo. Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues offers a framework for theorizing ethics in digital and networked media. While the.
Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues (eBook) / Sitka ~ Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues (eBook) : Colton, Jared S. : "Argues that virtue ethics supports postmodern criticisms of rational autonomy and universalism, while enabling a discussion of actual ethical behaviors that digital users form through particular communicative ends and various rhetorical purposes. Extending Aristotle's framework of hexis through the framework of contemporary .
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Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a ~ Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting - Kindle edition by Vallor, Shannon. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting.
Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues: Colton, Jared S ~ Rhetoric, Technology, and the Virtues offers a framework for theorizing ethics in digital and networked media. While the field of rhetoric and writing studies has traditionally given attention to Plato’s Gorgias and Phaedrus dialogues, this volume updates Aristotle’s basic framework of hexis for the digital age.According to Aristotle, “When men change their hexeis—their dispositions .
Download eBook / Rhetoric, Innovation, Technology: Case ~ To download Rhetoric, Innovation, Technology: Case Studies of Technical Communication in Technology Transfer eBook, make sure you refer to the web link below and save the document or gain access to additional information which might be related to RHETORIC, INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY: CASE STUDIES OF TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER book. MIT Press Ltd. Hardback. Book Condition: new .
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The Fourth Great Awakening and the Future of ~ The United States' "Fourth Great Awakening" is propelled by the tendency of technological advances to outpace ethical norms. The First Great Awakening, which began in 1730, laid the ideological foundation for the American Revolution. The second, starting in 1800, introduced many daring reforms, including the abolition of slavery. The Third Great Awakening, from 1890 to 1930, emphasized social .
Personifikation – Wikipedia ~ Die Personifikation, Personifizierung oder fictio personae ist je nach Kontext entweder eine rhetorische Figur, die Tieren, Pflanzen, Gegenständen, toten Personen oder abstrakten Wesenheiten eine Stimme gibt (Prosopopöie; von griech. προσωποποιία prosōpopoiía) oder menschliche Züge verleiht (Personifikation), eine künstlerische Darstellung von etwas Abstraktem in Gestalt .
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