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    Me 2.0, Revised and Updated Edition: 4 Steps to Building Your Future

    Beschreibung Me 2.0, Revised and Updated Edition: 4 Steps to Building Your Future. Me 2.0 shows job seekers and established professionals alike how to leverage the power of online media for personal empowerment and career success. “The business world is changing and what Dan Schawbel has captured in this book is the pulse of the changing branding market.” - Gary Vaynerchuk, best-selling author of Crush It There is no job security anymore, which means that the way we manage our careers has forever changed. Now, everyone in the world is your competition and the single greatest differentiator you have is your personal brand. With social media tools, blogs, and mobile applications, there are endless opportunities to become known and connect with other people.In Me 2.0, personal branding expert Dan Schawbel gives you all the tools you need for building a powerful personal brand that WILL give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace, including:· A 4-step process for discovering, creating, communicating and maintaining your personal brand.· How to use all the latest social media tools, including video, blogs, and social networks for job search and career development.· The secrets to networking effectively – both online and offline.· Proven branding advice from industry experts and insiders.Whether you’re looking for your first big job, want to climb the corporate ladder, or are eager to jumpstart your own business venture, Me 2.0 will help you achieve lasting success! What’s new in the revised edition of Me 2.0 NEW case studies, from people of all generations, on how they’ve used social media to become well-known brands.NEW chapter on how to use the top social networks, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, for job searching, with real success stories.NEW insight on how to turn your passion into a business through the personal branding process.NEW tools you can use to network professionally and grow your presence, including Google Buzz, mobile branding, and location-based social networking.NEW research, examples, and more resources that will support your online brand campaign. 

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