Beschreibung The Designer's Guide to Business and Careers: How to Succeed on the Job or on Your Own. Find Your Niche and Be SuccessfulInside are the tools you need to get your design career off to a strong start–and maintain it for the long haul. Peg Faimon provides a comprehensive guide to basic business issues in today's competitive marketplace. Whether you just graduated from college, are building a freelance business, or are starting your own firm, this book will give you the confidence and knowledge to create a successful and fulfilling career. You'll learn how to:Research different career paths in design and organize your job searchCraft an effective portfolio and master interview techniquesMaintain a professional image and network to ensure a consistent stream of paying projectsCollaborate effectively with clients, other designers and experts in other professions (like printers, writers, marketers and executives)Establish a freelance business, develop your in-house career or kick start your own firmStay fresh and move forward in the ever-changing world of graphic designIn addition, real-world advice from working designers and an interactive format will help you apply your new skills right away. The Designer's Guide to Business and Careers will give you everything you need to experience immediate success in your career.
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The Designer's Guide to Business and Careers: How to ~ The Designer's Guide to Business and Careers: How to Succeed on the Job or on Your Own [Faimon, Peg] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Designer's Guide to Business and Careers: How to Succeed on the Job or on Your Own
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