Beschreibung The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide. A new career in academia can be a challenge. While academia's formal rules are published in faculty handbooks, its implicit rules are often difficult to discern. Like its first edition, this expanded volume contains practical advice to help new academics set the best course for a lasting and vibrant career. problems beginning social scientists will face. Leading academics share the lessons they have learned through their own hard experience. Individual chapters present the ins and outs of the hiring process; the advantages of a post-doctoral fellowship; expert strategies for managing a teaching load; insider and applicant advice for winning a research grant; detailed instructions for writing and publishing a journal article; and an explanation of intellectual property issues. The text also addresses the latter stages of a career. It offers suggestions for keeping one's career dynamic. Chapters that provide specific information for minorities, women and clinical psychologists are also included, and the volume even presents options for working outside of academia.
The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide, Second Edition ~ Like the first edition, this new and expanded volume of The Compleat Academic is filled with practical and valuable advice to help new academics set the best course for a lasting and vibrant career. This volume guides readers through academia's informal rules and describes the problems beginning social scientists will face. With humor and insight, leading academics share the lessons they have .
: The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide ~ The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide 2nd Revised ed. Edition by John M Darley (Editor), Mark P Zanna (Editor), . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Related video shorts (0) Upload your video. Be the first video Your name here. Customer reviews. 4.2 out of 5 stars. 4.2 out of 5 . 16 global ratings. 5 star 56% 4 star 16% 3 star 22% 2 star 0% (0%) 0% 1 star 6% How are .
The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide Second Edition ~ The contributors to The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide go beyond the written rules that everybody should know to provide the usually unwritten rules of the academic game that are also critical. Many seasoned academics have learned these implicit rules through experience, and they sometimes take them for granted. We hope that we can make this tacit knowledge explicit for graduate students .
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