Beschreibung The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism: Life Beyond Capitalism. There is a deep chasm between the promises of the new global capitalism and the reality of social breakdown, spiritual emptiness, and environmental destruction it is leaving in its wake. In this important book, David Korten makes a compelling and well-documented case that capitalism is actually delivering a fatal blow not only to life, but also to democracy and the market. Among his startling ideas: Capitalism is a pathology that commonly afflicts market economies in the absence of vigilant public oversight. Since the economy internal to a corporation is a planned economy, the current consolidation of economic control under a handful of global corporations is a victory for central planning-not the market economy. The alternative to the new global capitalism is a global system of thriving, healthy market economies that function as extensions of healthy local ecosystems to meet the livelihood needs of people and communities. Radical as such proposals may seem, they actually reflect processes that are steadily gaining momentum around the world. The Post-Corporate World provides a vision of what's needed and what's possible, as well as a detailed agenda for change. Korten shows that to have a just, sustainable and compassionate society, concentrated absentee ownership and footloose speculative capital as embodied in the global, for-profit public corporation must be eliminated in favor of enterprises based on patient, rooted, stakeholder ownership limited to those who have a stake in the firm as a worker, supplier, customer, or member of the community in which it is located. Korten outlines numerous specific actions to free the creative powers of individuals and societies through the realization of real democracy, the local rooting of capital through stakeholder ownership, and a restructuring of the rules of commerce to create "mindful market" economies that combine market principles with a culture that nurtures social bonding and responsibility. Like Korten's previous bestseller, When Corporations Rule the World, this provocative book is sure to stimulate national dialogue and debate and inspire a bevy of grassroots discussions and initiatives. The Post-Corporate World presents readers with a profound challenge and an empowering sense of hope.
The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism: Korten ~ The Post-Corporate World provides a vision of what's needed and what's possible, as well as a detailed agenda for change. Korten shows that to have a just, sustainable and compassionate society, concentrated absentee ownership and footloose speculative capital as embodied in the global, for-profit public corporation must be eliminated in favor of enterprises based on patient, rooted .
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After Capitalism - Wikipedia ~ After Capitalism: Economic Democracy in Action is a 2012 book by United States author Dada Maheshvarananda, an activist, yoga monk and writer.The book argues that global capitalism is terminally ill because it suffers from four fatal flaws: growing inequity and concentration of wealth, addiction to speculation instead of production, rising unsustainable debt and its tendency to exploit the .
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: After Capitalism (New Critical Theory ~ After Capitalism goes beyond the usual Marxist excuse that the workers will design their future by actually suggesting a system for social control after capitalism. He has a three part proposal. 1. Firms will be self governed cooperatively. 2. Assets will be owned by the state at large and enterprises will pay a ten percent tax. 3. Taxes will be distributed geographically for investment in new .
Beyond growth or beyond capitalism - Real-World Economics ~ real-world economics review, issue no. 53 as for Daly, growth is seen to be entirely , optional, not built into capitalist subjective economies. So it can be dispensed with, exorcised, and capitalism can carry on in something like “stasis.” So Jim Jackson tells us that in his vision of a “flourishing capitalism” the market
Post-capitalism - Wikipedia ~ Post-capitalism is a state in which the economic systems of the world can no longer be described as forms of capitalism.Various individuals and political ideologies have speculated on what would define such a world. According to some classical Marxist and some social evolutionary theories, post-capitalist societies may come about as a result of spontaneous evolution as capitalism becomes obsolete.
How to be an Anti-capitalist for the 21 Century ~ thinking about a realizable destination beyond capitalism, but I did not want the book to seem relevant only to people who already agree with that vision. Erik Olin Wright Madison, Wisconsin July, 2018 . Chapter 1 WHY BE AN ANTI-CAPITALIST? For many people the idea of anti-capitalism seems ridiculous. After all, look at the fantastic technological innovations in the goods and services produced .
The end of capitalism has begun / Books / The Guardian ~ Watch: Capitalism is failing, and it’s time to panic As with the end of feudalism 500 years ago, capitalism’s replacement by postcapitalism will be accelerated by external shocks and shaped by .
Capitalism Saved Sweden – AIER ~ Sweden is not alone in rejecting socialism and embracing capitalism. If you look at the general trend in the countries of Northern Europe, it has become much more capitalist in the past 25 years, after its own failed experiments with socialism. In particular, on the measures I have discussed, Denmark, Finland, and Norway are all three even more .
David Korten – Wikipedia ~ David C. Korten (* 1937 in Longview, Washington) ist ein amerikanischer Autor und Globalisierungskritiker.. Korten schloss 1955 an Longview’s R. A. Long high school ab. Korten erhielt den M.B.A. und Ph.D. der Stanford University Graduate School of Business.Im Vietnam-Krieg diente er als Hauptmann bei der U.S. Air Force.Nach dem Krieg war er als Professor an der Harvard University tätig.
Conscious Capitalism Definition ~ Conscious capitalism has become an increasingly popular concept in the business world. In fact, a growing number of businesses have adopted its principles including Whole Foods Market, Starbucks .
If Capitalism Is Our Future, What Will It Look Like? / On ~ Capitalism works, says economist Branko Milanovic, but it comes with a price. We look at new models of capitalism that can break the cycles of greed and inequality.
David Korten - Wikiquote ~ 1.1 When Corporations Rule the World (1995, 2015) 1.2 Corporate Pathology and the Suicide Economy (2010) 1.3 The Post-Corporate World: Life After Capitalism (2012) 1.4 The New Economy: A Living Earth System Model (2016) 2 External links
Capitalism Lab – Taking Business Simulation to a New Frontier ~ Capitalism World Mod by Arcnor. The Capitalism World Mod uses the mod system in a truly creative way, adding an amazing array of new industries, including airlines, electric cars and even rockets (yep you can build your own SpaceX) to this already-excellent business simulation game. Video Game Thumb Candy MOD by BioBiro. While there is no shortage of games on the market that let you manage a .
Capitalism Worksheet Pdf ~ Capitalism Worksheet Pdf
Capitalism A Short History PDF - loidaric.siuesolar ~ versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch a short history of capitalism jun 22 2019 o notes source this is the story of capitalism almost all excerpts with edits from sapiens the blogpost birth of capitalism in the medieval era money could represent and convert only things that existed in the present this imposed a severe limitation on growth since it made it very hard to .