Beschreibung Bill Walsh: Finding the Winning Edge. The head coach of the San Francisco 49ers outlines the successful strategies he used to transform the team from an organization in disarray to a team renowned for its excellence
Bill Walsh: Finding the Winning Edge - Walsh, Bill ~ Bill Walsh: Finding the Winning Edge / Walsh, Bill, Billick, Brian, Peterson, James A. / ISBN: 9781571671721 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und .
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Finding the winning edge [electronic resource] : Walsh ~ Finding the winning edge [electronic resource] by Walsh, Bill, 1931-; Billick, Brian; Peterson, James A., 1943-Publication date 1998 Topics Walsh, Bill, 1931-, San Francisco 49ers (Football team), Football coaches Publisher Champaign, IL : Sports Pub. Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; china Digitizing sponsor Kahle/Austin Foundation Contributor Internet Archive .
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Finding the winning edge (eBook, 1998) [WorldCat] ~ Genre/Form: Biographies Electronic books Biography: Additional Physical Format: Print version: Walsh, Bill, 1931-2007. Finding the winning edge. Champaign, IL .
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Finding the Winning Edge: Billick, Brian, Walsh, Bill ~ In Finding the Winning Edge he reveals the methods behind this transformation, including his program for hiring and developing a staff; evaluating and acquiring key players; building a game plan; and overcoming the mental barriers that frequently plague talented teams; Walsh spares no details. Serious football fans and coaches will find this to be an invaluable resource for understanding the .
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Finding the Winning Edge by Bill Walsh, etc. (9781571671721) ~ The title of this book is Finding the Winning Edge and it was written by Bill Walsh, etc.. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. This books publish date is Aug 20, 1998. It was published by Sports Publishing LLC and has a total of 560 pages in the book. The 10 digit ISBN is 1571671722 and the 13 digit ISBN is 9781571671721. To buy this book at the lowest price,
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Bill Walsh (Footballtrainer) – Wikipedia ~ Bill Walsh veröffentlichte insgesamt drei Bücher über den Footballsport: Building a Champion: On Football and the Making of the 49Ers, 1990, ISBN 9780312049690. Finding the Winning Edge, mit Brian Billick, 1997, ISBN 9781571671721.
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