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    How To Live On Minimum Wage (How To eBooks, Band 30)

    Beschreibung How To Live On Minimum Wage (How To eBooks, Band 30). Money problems. Who doesn’t have them? Whether you’re a young professional struggling with that student loan, or a business executive living off your fancy credit cards, it seems like no one is exempt from money problems. Even if you have money coming in regularly, it just never seems to be enough. Managing your finances can be quite stressful, especially if you’re a minimum wage earner working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. If you’re feeling hopeless, beaten down, maybe even desperate because of your financial situation, this guide is packed with useful advice on how you can take money matters into your own hands.This book won’t just teach you how to budget your pay check wisely, but it will also give you practical tips on how to live within your means. Living off minimum wage doesn’t have to be a drag, because whatever your financial situation may be, there are ways you can set yourself up for financial success. All you need to do is take that first step. By downloading this book, you have already made that crucial decision to break free from your money problems. By now you probably already know that ignoring them won’t make them magically disappear. You need to be honest about your financial situation and confront the problem head on. Make an honest evaluation of your expenses, needs, and even financial goals for the future. This way, you’ll be able to properly assess what aspects you’ll need to change. It’s not just about having the right motive in your head, but also having the action plan to support it. Don’t look at minimum wage as a curse. With proper planning, you’ll be able to make better financial decisions that will help set you up for success. Get your partner, or your whole family involved in the planning process. Who knows? You might just come up with new ways to get out of debt, or generate new income, depending on the specific goals that you set. This book isn’t about going for the short term easy fixes. Rather, it’s designed to change your financial perspective that will lead to better money management habits. We don’t expect you to make drastic changes all at once, so we’re here to help you make little changes in your daily routine. We’ll help you work on the spending habits that go unnoticeable so that you can develop a healthy money outlook for the future. Congratulations on taking this first step towards your financial success!

    Buch How To Live On Minimum Wage (How To eBooks, Band 30) PDF ePub

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    "30 Days: Living on Minimum Wage" - Economics on Demand ~ Morgan and his partner embark on an adventure where the two must live on minimum wage for 30 days. To make their experience more authentic, both relocate to an area that represents the typical American city. The two must leave their credit cards and money behind, find minimum wage jobs, and live as people whose reality is poverty. Along their journey, the duo struggle to pay for basic .

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