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    It's All In Your 20s: Mind The Age. Avoid Mistakes Others Make.

    Beschreibung It's All In Your 20s: Mind The Age. Avoid Mistakes Others Make.. This book contains concepts, tools, and beliefs that helped an average guy in his 20s pull off some difficult stunts. A poor academic performance made him grab any and all chances of success that came his way. He was hungry to make his mark and it showed in the way he went about business. Unlocking success was not easy. There were many downs and a few ups in his career. Earning detractors was easier than making friends. But at the end of the trials and tribulations, he found himself comfortably placed to nudge and guide other 20-somethings on to a better life. 'It's All In Your 20s' intends to help 20-somethings unlock their true potential.

    Buch It's All In Your 20s: Mind The Age. Avoid Mistakes Others Make. PDF ePub

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