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    Leeson, P: WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird

    Beschreibung Leeson, P: WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird. Step right up! Get your tickets for WTF?! An Economic Tour of the Weird! This rollicking tour through a museum of the world's weirdest practices is guaranteed to make you say, "WTF?!" Did you know that "preowned" wives were sold at auction in nineteenth-century England? That today, in Liberia, accused criminals sometimes drink poison to determine their fate? How about the fact that, for 250 years, Italy criminally prosecuted cockroaches and crickets? Do you wonder why? Then this tour is just for you!Join WTF?!'s cast of colorful characters as they navigate the museum, led by guide and economist Peter T. Leeson. From one exhibit to the next, you'll overhear Leeson's riotous exchanges with the patrons and learn how to use economic thinking to reveal the hidden sense behind seemingly senseless human behavior—including your own. Leeson shows that far from "irrational" or "accidents of history," humanity's most outlandish rituals are ingenious solutions to pressing problems—developed by clever people, driven by incentives, and tailor-made for their time and place. Can you handle getting schooled by the strange? Better hurry, the tour is about to start!

    Buch Leeson, P: WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird PDF ePub

    Peter T. Leeson, WTF?!: An economic tour of the weird ~ Peter T. Leeson, WTF?!: An economic tour of the weird. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2017. xiv + 264 pages. $27.95 (paperback) Mark Koyama 1,2 The Review of Austrian Economics volume 32, pages 81 – 84 (2019)Cite this article. 145 Accesses. 8 Altmetric. Metrics details. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Access options Buy single article. Instant .

    Leeson, P: WTF?! - Leeson, Peter T. - : BĂŒcher ~ An Economic Tour of the Weird is a very entertaining book that applies economics to weirdness of everyday living. Every story that Leeson tells you has a punchline: incentives matter even when incentives are weird! It is the main message of the book. And it is the main message of economics. Leeson who is a prolific academic economist does an outstanding job by investigating weird stories one .

    : WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird eBook ~ But WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird, is something else altogether. As far as content, the book combines eight real world behaviors that make you say "WTF?!", derived from Leeson's research and published papers. Everything from shaking a poisoned chicken to settle a slight, to convicting insects and rodents of crimes in a court of law are examined, revealing sensible, even brilliant logic. The theme over and again is simple but profound: given the constraints (beliefs .

    WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird / Peter T. Leeson ~ Join WTF?!'s cast of colorful characters as they navigate the museum, led by guide and economist Peter T. Leeson. From one exhibit to the next, you'll overhear Leeson's riotous exchanges with the patrons and learn how to use economic thinking to reveal the hidden sense behind seemingly senseless human behavior―including your own. Leeson shows that far from "irrational" or "accidents of .

    Book Review: WTF?! An economic tour of the weird, by ~ View or download all content the institution has subscribed to. Society . If you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions below. Members of _ can log in with their society credentials below. Username (required) Password (required) Society (required) Access to society journal content varies across our titles. If you have access to a journal via a society or .

    WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird: 9781503600911 ~ But WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird, is something else altogether. As far as content, the book combines eight real world behaviors that make you say "WTF?!", derived from Leeson's research and published papers. Everything from shaking a poisoned chicken to settle a slight, to convicting insects and rodents of crimes in a court of law are examined, revealing sensible, even brilliant logic. The theme over and again is simple but profound: given the constraints (beliefs, resources, etc .

    - WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird - Leeson ~ An Economic Tour of the Weird is a very entertaining book that applies economics to weirdness of everyday living. Every story that Leeson tells you has a punchline: incentives matter even when incentives are weird! It is the main message of the book. And it is the main message of economics. Leeson who is a prolific academic economist does an outstanding job by investigating weird stories one .

    American Economic Association - Journal of Economic ~ Rationalizing Choice: A Review Essay on Peter Leeson's WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird. Rajiv Sethi (pp. 988-1000) Book Reviews (pp. 1001-11) Annotated Listing of New Books (pp. 1012-60) JEL Classification System (pp. 1061-76) Doctoral Dissertations in Economics (pp. 1077-1105) Journals

    Peter T. Leeson: A Birthday Appreciation – AIER ~ Most of the “birthday appreciations” I’ve written have been for scholars who have been around a lot longer than I have. This is the first one I’ll write about someone who is actually younger than I am (by four months and ten days) and who I’ve long considered to be the best economist of my generation: Peter T. Leeson of George Mason University.

    Peter Leeson - Wikipedia ~ Peter T. Leeson (born July 29, 1979) is the Duncan Black Professor of Economics and Law at George Mason University. Big Think listed him among "Eight of the World's Top Young Economists," and IDEAS/RePEc ranks him among the top 5% of economists in the world. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.. Leeson is known for extending rational choice theory into unusual domains, such as to the .

    Economics / Faculty and Staff: Peter T. Leeson ~ Peter T. Leeson Duncan Black Professor of Economics and Law. Peter T. Leeson is the Duncan Black Professor of Economics and Law. He is author of the award-winning The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates and WTF?! An Economic Tour of the Weird. Big Think listed him among "Eight of the World's Top Young Economists." He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Formerly, Professor .

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    Multi-Method Social Science by Jason Seawright ~ Peter T. Leeson: WTF?! An Economic Tour of the Weird. Public Choice, Vol. 174, Issue. 1-2, p. 209. CrossRef; Google Scholar; Miller, Lisa L. 2018. The Use of Case Studies in Law and Social Science Research. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Vol. 14, Issue. 1, p. 381. CrossRef; Google Scholar; Sillak, Silver and Kanger, Laur 2018. Energy Security, Employment and the Policy-Industry .

    Uncommon Sense: Economic Insights, from Marriage to ~ Uncommon Sense: Economic Insights, from Marriage to Terrorism - Ebook written by Gary S. Becker, Richard A. Posner. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Uncommon Sense: Economic Insights, from Marriage to Terrorism.

    The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates ~ Available on Kindle eBook and can be read on any device with the free Kindle . WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird Peter T. Leeson. 4.3 out of 5 stars 24. Hardcover. ÂŁ18.18. Only 4 left in stock (more on the way). Buccaneers of the Caribbean: How Piracy Forged an Empire Jon Latimer. 4.8 out of 5 stars 5. Hardcover. 4 offers from ÂŁ41.91. Enemy of All Mankind Steven Johnson. 4.4 out of 5 .

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    Peter T. Leeson / VOX, CEPR Policy Portal ~ An Economic Tour of the Weird (Stanford University Press). Leeson was a Visiting Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, Visiting Fellow in Political Economy and Government at Harvard University, and the F.A. Hayek Fellow at the London School of Economics. Big Think listed him among “Eight of the World’s Top Young Economists.”

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