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    Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life

    Beschreibung Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life. A road map for landing your dream job.Take the Leap features inspiration and advice from more than sixty-five people who transformed their lives—and with this guide, so can you. These are game changers, rule breakers, and side hustlers who once stood where you are now, wondering if they should take a risk. They went from production assistant to million-dollar screenplay writer; attorney to surf instructor; mom to DJ; hairdresser to firefighter; real estate agent to award-winning chef. Do you want to go for that career you’ve always dreamed about? Launch a new company? Become a tech mogul? Live a life of adventure? Save the world? You’ll find wisdom from successful mentors like creative visionary and writer Simon Doonan, entrepreneur Barbara Corcoran, NFL player turned artist/activist Aaron Maybin, and wellness and beauty guru Bobbi Brown. This is a career guide for today’s ever-changing job market. Thinking about your own next chapter? Take the leap.

    Buch Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life PDF ePub

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