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    Get Back to Work: Smart & Savvy Real-World Strategies to Make your Next Career Move

    Beschreibung Get Back to Work: Smart & Savvy Real-World Strategies to Make your Next Career Move. Job hunting: a phrase that might conjure up bleak images of firing off résumés into a void, only to have to wait, and wait, and wait blindly for a catch . . . Well, it's time to step into today's smart and savvy real-world strategies to make your next career move!In this cutting-edge guide, recruiting, career and social media expert Melissa Washington kicks the myth of the "dreaded job hunt" to the curb, and shares the most effective current-day methods that put the unemployed back into the driver's seat.Get Back to Work is a no-frills book designed with practical, straightforward, and innovative tips to keep you ahead of the pack.-Learn how to effectively use social media to set yourself apart from the crowd.-Leverage your existing network and how to build a stronger network.-Find out how to tap into commonly overlooked employment outlets to get a leg up on the competition.Whether you're a fresh college graduate, a military veteran, transitioning back into the workforce, or just someone, like so many, who is between jobs, this book lays out the essentials candidly and in a simple, step-by-step fashion to help you maximize your shot at securing your ideal position. Now it's all about getting you back to work!BONUS! LinkedIn Checklist, Looking for Work Checklist, Job and Networking Resource list, Veteran Resource list....

    Buch Get Back to Work: Smart & Savvy Real-World Strategies to Make your Next Career Move PDF ePub

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