Beschreibung Research Strategies for a Digital Age. Practical, relevant, and reflecting the latest technology tools, RESEARCH STRATEGIES FOR A DIGITAL AGE, THIRD EDITION , provides a thorough, step-by-step guide that helps readers develop the research skills critical to today's online environment. The text blends traditional research methods with detailed instruction on how to use and evaluate electronic research technologies. The book is packed with current examples and insightful tips to help readers get the most from today's wealth of resources for their personal and professional research efforts.
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Research Strategies for a Digital Age - Bonnie L. Tensen ~ Practical, relevant, and reflecting the latest technologies available, RESEARCH STRATEGIES FOR A DIGITAL AGE, FOURTH EDITION, provides a thorough, step-by-step guide that helps students increase their knowledge as they develop invaluable research skills they can use for a lifetime. This text blends traditional research methods with detailed instruction on how to use and evaluate electronic .
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