Beschreibung Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education. Higher education faces a looming demographic storm. Decades-long patterns in fertility, migration, and immigration persistently nudge the country toward the Hispanic Southwest. As a result, the Northeast and Midwest—traditional higher education strongholds—expect to lose 5 percent of their college-aged populations between now and the mid-2020s. Furthermore, and in response to the Great Recession, child-bearing has plummeted. In 2026, when the front edge of this birth dearth reaches college campuses, the number of college-aged students will drop almost 15 percent in just 5 years.In Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, Nathan D. Grawe has developed the Higher Education Demand Index (HEDI), which relies on data from the 2002 Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) to estimate the probability of college-going using basic demographic variables. Analyzing demand forecasts by institution type and rank while disaggregating by demographic groups, Grawe provides separate forecasts for two-year colleges, elite institutions, and everything in between. The future demand for college attendance, he argues, depends critically on institution type. While many schools face painful contractions, for example, demand for elite schools is expected to grow by more than 15 percent in future years.Essential for administrators and trustees who are responsible for recruitment, admissions, student support, tenure practices, facilities construction, and strategic planning, this book is a practical guide for navigating coming enrollment challenges.
Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education / POLLUX ~ Buch Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education (2017) in: Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education. Grawe, Nathan D. Bestellen über Ausleihe (via POLLUX) Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft. Dieses Buch ist auch in Ihrer Bibliothek verfügbar: Verfügbarkeit . Keywords. Universitäten, Hochschulen, Volkswirtschaftslehre Allgemein, Bildungspolitik, Bildungsreform .
Demographics and the demand for higher education (eBook ~ In Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, Nathan D. Grawe has developed the Higher Education Demand Index (HEDI), which relies on data from the 2002 Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) to estimate the probability of college-going using basic demographic variables. Analyzing demand forecasts by institution type and rank while disaggregating by demographic groups, Grawe provides .
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Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education – Nathan ~ Fascinating and ambitious. There will be a wide and eager audience for this book. Martin J. Finkelstein, coauthor of The Faculty Factor: Reassessing the American Academy in a Turbulent Era. An ambitious, original book that provides a new and much-needed general framework for detailed, fact-based forecasting of the demand for higher education over the next 15 – 20 years.
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New book argues most colleges are about - Inside Higher Ed ~ What if the demographics are about to get much worse for higher education than the experts have expected? Optimists and plenty of others in higher education may be concerned by Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education (Johns Hopkins University Press), in which Nathan D. Grawe (right) suggests a bleak outlook for most institutions when it comes to attracting and enrolling students.
Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education ~ In Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, Nathan D. Grawe has developed the Higher Education Demand Index (HEDI), which relies on data from the 2002 Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) to estimate the probability of college-going using basic demographic variables. Analyzing demand forecasts by institution type and rank while disaggregating by demographic groups, Grawe provides .
Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education: Grawe ~ "Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, by Nathan Grawe, is both terrifying and worth reading if you work in, or care about, higher education. I actually gasped several times, which isn’t my usual response to monographs about demographics." (Inside Higher Ed) "Grawe’s book is timely, well-researched, and thought-provoking .
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Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education ~ Higher education faces a looming demographic storm. Decades-long patterns in fertility, migration, and immigration persistently nudge the country toward the Hispanic Southwest. As a result, the Northeast and Midwest—traditional higher education strongholds—expect to lose 5 percent of their college-aged populations between now and the mid-2020s. Furthermore, and in response to the Great .
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Full E-book Demographics and the Demand for Higher ~ In 2026, when the front edge of this birth dearth reaches college campuses, the number of college-aged students will drop almost 15 percent in just 5 years.In Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, Nathan D. Grawe has developed the Higher Education Demand Index (HEDI), which relies on data from the 2002 Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) to estimate the probability of college-going .